Page 25 of Not A Peep

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“Jason, I’m working.”

“It’ll only take a few minutes,” he pushes softly. “You left so quickly the other—”

“Shh!” I look around frantically, hoping no one can hear us.

“I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the day right after we chat, ok?” Jason sighs. “I’ll follow you back downstairs if you won’t listen to me up here.”

Heat burns in my cheeks as my heart sinks. As far as he and his friends have already gone, I wouldn’t put it past him to live up to this threat. If he follows me and someone overhears us? My life will be ruined. Defeat weighs down my shoulders and I let out a heavy sigh. Jason comes around the cart, wraps his fingers around my wrist, and pulls me down several rows of books. Soon, we’re back at the furthest corner of the third floor, right where he and his friends had turned my world upside down. I half expect Grant and Trip to be waiting for us. When they’re not, I’m only mildly relieved.

Yanking my wrist free from Jason’s hold, I stop and face him. “What do you want?”

“Several things,” he admits, shoving his hands into his front pockets with a frown. “Most importantly, I want to make sure you’re ok.”

My mouth drops open. Disbelief colors me speechless. Ok? Am Iok? He and his friends humiliated me. Assaulted me. Let me walk out of their apartment shaking, crying, and confused. None of this makes any sense. I’ve been so good about putting it out of my mind all day that, now, forced to face what happened, everything feels a thousand times worse.

Moments from the night before flash through my head. Grant sitting on the couch watching me. The feel of a callused hand touching my back. Soft lips pressing against mine, seeking to steal away the flavor of their friend’s release from me. The feeling of my body stretching… And worse yet, the soft burning between my legs that craves the attention all over again.

“Briella, Bri, take deep breaths. You’re ok—”

Jason’s words jerk me back into the moment. I find myself hyperventilating and teary eyed. He steps toward me. To do what, I’m not sure, but I’m not going to let him touch me. I nearly fall, as I stumble backward out of reach.

“Get the fuck away from me.” I glare at him. “I’ll be fine the minute the three of you are out of my life.”

“Oh, c’mon. You did beautifully last night. Didn’t you enjoy yourself, even just a little?” A single brow raises as he challenges my reaction. “I’ve never been so turned on or impressed.”

I suck in a sharp breath. His smile widens.

“I wanted to let you know,” he steps closer, slowly, and with his palms facing out in front of him, “how muchIenjoyed last night. I’ve wanted this for so long. There’s just something about you that makes me want to do the filthiest of things…”

His eyes don’t leave my face as he moves closer to me.

“Shut up.”

“No.” He shakes his head, his smile falling as his eyes grow darker. “I replayed last night over and over, thinking that maybe there’d be something I’d want to change but, nope. It was perfect. You were perfect, dollie.”

“You wouldn’t change the fact that you could’ve had awillingdoll?” My voice doesn’t come out as sharp as I intend as he moves closer. His eyes never leave my face.

“You were all too willing to let us do whatever we wanted,” Jason murmurs. “I think you liked it, and you just don’t want to admit it. If you need time to come to terms with your situation, that’s fine. We have time to make you see things our way. That you were meant for us.”

“I won’teversee it that way.”

“You will,” Jason confirms with a tight nod. “Because there is nothing that we want more than your complete and utter devotion to us. We’re willing to do anything to make sure it happens.”

A scoff of disbelief crosses the space between us. “You’re insane.”


I shake my head, hating the way he doesn’t seem all that perturbed. With a sigh, he takes a few more steps toward me. My body remembers vividly how he felt inside of me, and to my horror, I can feel a warmth blossoming between my legs.

“Bri, the three of us are close. Real close. It’salwaysbeen me, Grant, and Trip. Then you came along and uprooted everything. It was a tug of war, getting the others onboard. Sweet, quiet Briella. The librarian who smiles at everyone and whose soul shines through her eyes, yet that also has a dark side?” He shakes his head in wonder. “You’re a wonderfully mysterious wild card, dollie. One we desperately needed and now have. We’ll do whatever it takes to keep you ours. Grant put an end date to this, but just so you know, it’s just words. You won’t be going anywhere. Not if I can help it.”

His words are wrapping themselves around me. Seducing me with both threats and flattery. I suck in a shaky breath. Jason moves closer, with confidence and lacking the hesitation from earlier. He grabs my face, leans down, and kisses me thoroughly. This time, there’s no cum between us. It’s just his mouth pressed against mine. For the life of me, I don’t understand my body’s response. It heats up to nearly a thousand degrees and my heart takes flight. I even find myself melting up against the large young man, and my lips relaxing under his. His tongue sweeps across my bottom lip and then slides into my mouth. My tongue greets his eagerly.

Jason grabs my hips and pulls me closer. Pressed up against my stomach is his erection, felt through his pants. If I was aware of my actions, I would have been horrified at the way my hips press harder into him or how my fingers bunch the front of his shirt. But I’m not aware of any of it. My head is in the clouds and my body is yearning for more of his touch.

“Ah, there you are.”

The speed with which I jump back, away from Jason, probably would have put the Flash and Superman to shame. Looking over Jason’s shoulder, I find Trip and Grant standing at the mouth of the aisle, watching us. Trip’s dick is out and he’s stroking it as he watches us intently.
