Page 24 of Not A Peep

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“Urgh, nothing important. I was sure they were going to figure out who posted those flyers by now. There are cameraseverywhere. How can there not even be a mention of a suspect?” Megan leans closer to her screen. “And, of course, they’re going to keep it to themselves if they figure out who these two are in the picture. Lame.”

I lean back in my seat, swallowing hard. Any relief I feel is too mild to notice. I may be in the clear now, but that could change at the whim of three young men.

“Isn’t it a good thing that they don’t reveal who those two are?” I ask, trying to keep my voice light as I go back to work on my own computer. A professor in the science department has asked me to work on a project with her, so for the past three hours I’ve been researching biology diversification and classifications and creating materials for her. It’s boring but, when we have down time, Ms. Barbara insists that we help the other staff.

“Yeah, I mean, for them I guess, but don’t you kind of want to know who it is?” Megan asks. “The mystery is exhilarating. It’s the most drama we’ve had on campus in a while.”

My stomach twists and my fingers stumble over the keyboard. “I don’t know many people so even if we do end up finding out, I’m sure their names wouldn’t mean anything to me.”

“You really need to expand your horizons,” Megan huffs. “Jonathan is great and all, but there are other people out there to hang out with.”

“I hang out with Brenda,” I object with a smile, relieved at the shift in conversation.

“Jonathan’s wife doesn’t count as other people. You need to get out more. Oh!” She turns in her seat. “Why don’t you come rock climbing with me sometime? I go with a whole group of people and it’s indoors, so you won’t get terribly sweaty and gross.”

I pause typing to give her a look. “Do you seemedangling from some fake rocks?”

“Live a little, Bri. I promise you’ll have fun,” Megan chuckles.

“I’ll think about it.” No, I won’t. “Ok?”

She hums skeptically but lets the conversation drop.

* * *

Late that afternoon,I’m on the third floor, pushing a cart of books, returning them to their rightful place, when the hair on the back of my neck rises. For ten minutes, I tell myself it’s nothing. That I’m paranoid. No one is behind me. I’m just having a mild panic attack because this is where Grant and his friends cornered me. I’m ok.

Reaching up, I attempt to slide a book back into its rightful place. Too bad it’s on the shelf that’s just out of my reach. I rock back on my heels with a sigh and start to reach for the little collapsible foot stool.

“Here, let me help you with that.”

I flinch hard at the voice behind me before whirling around. My breath lodges in my throat as my eyes land on Jason. He flashes me a good-looking smile.

“Hey, Miss Wilson.”

My heart slams against my ribs. I take a step away from him only to bump into the book cart.No, he can’t be here again. My body is still reeling from the night before. I can’t do this again. Not here. I can’t breathe. Sucking in short gasps of air, I try to back away.

“No, hey, hey, it’s fine. It’s just me,” he assures me quickly, in a soft voice. His hands come up in surrender.

I peel my eyes off Jason to look left and right. There’s no one about. Damn it. There is no one around to dissuade him from pursuing whatever it is he wants from me. With my attention temporarily elsewhere, Jason snatches the book from my hand. I yelp and nearly tumble over the book cart. At the same time, Jason slips the book into place.

“See? I just wanted to help.” He steps back, giving me some space.

Rather than wait around for the inevitable shoe to drop, I turn, grab the handle of the book cart, and try to hurry away. I barely get a few feet before Jason’s hand lands on my shoulder and causes me to come to a stop.

“Bri, wait, I want to talk.”

“Fuck off,” I hiss, glaring down at his hand before shrugging it off.

He moves around me quickly and places himself on the other side of the cart. His hands come down to hold the other handle, with his brows pulled together in concern. Even as upset as I am with him and his friends, I can’t help but feel winded as I gaze at the handsome man in front of me. While Grant radiates a corrupted sense of power and Trip is the indifferent bad boy, there’s something softer about Jason. But soft doesn’t mean any less dangerous. In fact, it makes him even more so. I want to let my guard down around him. Doing that, however, will only get me burned. I know it.

“Can we talk?Please?”

“No,” I snap and try to push the cart through him. Neither the book cart nor the student on the other side moves.

“C’mon, give me five minutes?”

I scoff. Can’t he see I’m busy? Hasn’t he done enough? I don’t want to get caught alone with him. I’m sure it will stir up a whole whirlwind of drama I don’t need. Especially with everyone still in a tizzy over the flyers.
