Page 29 of Not A Peep

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I should be scared around him and I am. But his presence also causes my heart to flutter for a different reason. Trip Baniker ishotin a dangerous way.

And that scares me even more than whatever reason he’s here tonight.

“What are you doing here?” I look up and down the row of cars, searching for signs of the others. “How do you know where I live?”

Rather than answer either of my questions, he stomps up to me and stops just before me. “Where’s your car?”

“Parked up front.”

“Trying to slip by me?” he asks. His nostrils flare as if the thought offends him.

“I didn’t even know you were here, how would I know to try to avoid you?”

His scowl deepens. “Don’t you check your phone?”

My phone? Oh,oh. I reach into my legging’s pocket and drag it out. It’s dead. Shit, I forgot to charge it on the way home. I show Trip the blank screen.

“Sorry that I missed your digital harassment. What do you want?”

“C’mon, we’re headed to the apartment,” he orders, grabbing my arm. I yank it free and step out of reach.

“I’m gross. I’m taking a shower and then we can make plans to meet up tomorrow.”

“I wasn’t asking, dollface,” Trip snaps.

“I wasn’t trying to compromise.”

We glare at one another. Trip’s is much more impressive. What am I doing? This young man has the power to destroy me, and here I am, trying to win a stare down. Without any ammunition, I’m just being stupidly stubborn. Clenching my jaw, I cave and look away.

“Get on the motorcycle,” he orders.

“No.” I glance over to the exterior stairs that lead up to my door. Could I outrun Trip, unlock my door, and make it inside before he can catch me? Probably not.

With my attention elsewhere, Trip’s hand latches onto my arm and yanks me toward him. He lowers his head so his mouth is by my ear, and he growls,

“Do you really want to push my buttons tonight? I’m feeling particularly annoyed that you made me come looking for you.”

“It’s Friday night. Don’t you guys have parties to go to? Beers to drink? Girls to flirt with? Or whatever the hell boys do.”

He yanks me closer to him. “Is that whatboysdo? I wouldn’t know, dollface. I’ve been forced to grow up real fast. But I suppose, if I wanted a girl,then, yeah, I’d be out at some rager right now. Unfortunately for you, I’m more interested in the toy I’ve acquired recently. Now get on the damn bike.”

I try to pull my arm free, but Trip’s grip is biting.

“I’m gross, Trip! You don’t want to play with me tonight. Just let me go—”

“You are already in a world of trouble for not answering our summons. Don’t make this worse on yourself.”

His threat, spoken softly into my ear, destroys the fight in me. My heart rate takes off as fear turns my blood cold.

“Wait, no, please, Trip. I’ll come, just… whatever you have planned, un-plan it!”

Trip let’s go of my arm with a scoff. “If I have to repeat myself again, things are going to get so much worse.”

Before he’s even done talking, I’m hurrying over to his bike. There, on the seat, is a second helmet.

“Put it on,” Trip orders as he dons his. My eyes slide over him.

Fuck, a leather jacket, helmet, and those tattoos? Unexpected and unwanted heat soothes away some of the cold bite of fear in my veins. God, I’m an idiot. I bite my lip and look away from him as I pull the big bulky helmet onto my own head. I struggle to snap the clasp together. After a moment, Trip gets frustrated and leans forward to help.
