Page 37 of Not A Peep

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“Do you know what I love more than anything?” Grant asks, leaning forward to stare at me.

“The sound of your own voice?”

Jason laughs. “She’s not wrong there.”

“Fuck off, Jay,” Grant snaps sharply, though his expression softens slightly as he stares at the man holding me.

“Are you a couple?” I demand, confused by the look the two of them share.

Jason rolls his eyes and Grant leans back against the couch cushion.

“We don’tdolabels,” Jason explains.

That doesn’t really answer the question. Though, given how eager he was to taste his friend the last time we were together, I’d say they’re more than just friends.

“I don’t get any of this. Why add me to this? You two have each other and Trip. You don’t need someone who’s unwilling.”

“I believe Jason has gone over this with you several times now,” Grant replies as he runs his hands over his face. “You’ve caught his attention. And, as I was saying before I wasrudelyinterrupted, the thingIlove most is mystery, and you carry a dark one. I canfeelit. I’ve got enough shit on my plate to worry about for a lifetime, so I need a distraction. I thought I’d be able to figure you out from afar, but alas, I cannot. So here you are. Our plaything. A puzzle with a pretty face.”

“I’m a mystery?” I scoff. The sound is weak given the rawness in my throat and the lack of indignation behind it. “You’re about to be really disappointed when you realize I have nothing to hide.”

Oh lord, that is the biggest lie I’ve ever told. I brace myself to be smote right there in their living room. Grant lets out a huff of air through his nose as he stares at me. I can’t tell what he’s thinking, but I have an inkling that he doesn’t believe me.

He moves to stand.

“It’s late. Go to bed. One of us will take you home in the morning.”

“Want me to sleep with you tonight?” Jason asks.

At first, I think he’s speaking to Grant, but when Jason presses his forehead against my temple, I realize his question is directed at me.

“I’d rather sleep with a dozen live cobras.” I pull my head away from his and make a move to kick the comforter off me.

Grant laughs as he walks away from us.

“Come on, dollie, don’t be like that. You were told the rules, and you were punished when you didn’t follow them. That’s not my fault.” Jason picks me up easily as he stands, and he starts to carry me back toward the room I’d come from. “I want to spend some real time with you.”

“By sleeping in the bed you just tortured me in?” My brain immediately recoils at the thought.

I have no idea where Trip went, but I’m relieved he hasn’t shown back up this evening. I half expect him to be waiting in the bedroom, but he’s not there when Jason clicks on the light.

“If you change your mind, just knock on the door beside the bathroom you showered in,” he tells me, placing me gently onto the bed and sending me a wink.

Rather than reply, I roll to my side, giving him my back, and curl into a tight ball. He sighs.

“I’ll see you in the morning, dollie. Good night.”

No the fuck you won’t…


Imanage to get a few hours of sleep before the pains of my body and my anger wake me up.

Rather than toss and turn, trying to get back to sleep, I get out of bed. The movement hurts. My body still hums with the vibrations, and I ache something fierce between my legs. Nothing a hot bath won’t fix. I won’t be doing that here though. Wrapping the comforter around myself, I slip out of my room to search for my things. Dawn is slowly approaching. The dim sunlight slipping through the blinds gives me just enough light to see everything without tripping over furniture.

It doesn’t take me long to find my stuff. My clothes from the night before are sitting atop my purse on the counter. I pause briefly, surprised to find them neatly folded. After a quick inspection, I find that my underwear and bra have been tucked between my shirt and pants.
