Page 74 of Not A Peep

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I mimic zipping my lips.

He sighs, “My father is a dangerous bastard that needs to get knocked off his high horse. He holds so much power in the community that there isn’t anyone he doesn’t have in his pocket. He could murder someone and get away with it.” His knuckles turn white on the steering wheel. “Already he’s destroyed so many lives, Trip’s and Jason’s parents included. So, the three of us are going to take Garry Gipson down.”

Well… wow. I think back to what Jason’s told me about Garry and how dangerous he is. I was sure, deep down, that Jason had been exaggerating a bit. Judging by Grant’s expression and his own proclamation, however, maybe Garry is someone to really worry about.

“Take him down? How?”

With the sun setting dramatically in the background, long shadows give Grant’s sharp features an extra edge. The tension in the cab grows thick. Grant’s shoulders are stiff and his nostrils flare.

“We’re going to start our own business venture, starting with a ranch, like he did. A luxury one. Once it’s up and running, we’ll have assets and more money coming in that we can invest in other businesses and projects. We have the investors, the money, and the business plan all ready to go. Right now, I want to get a piece of property bought before Dad can swoop in to buy any more land. He’s trying to monopolize the area, more than he already has.” Grant takes a deep breath and continues on. “Still, it will be years before everything is up and running. So far, my dad has no idea what I’m up to, and I’m hoping to keep it that way so when Idodefeat him, he’ll be blindsided and won’t be able to retaliate.”

I watch as he swallows, his Adam’s apple dipping and rising dramatically.

“How?” I ask softly. “How do you have the means to do any of this without his help?”

Grant grumbles something before answering. “With the help of someone who’s no longer around. Dad doesn’t know about the funds that Jason, Trip, and I procured. As long as the three of us are careful about how and where we spend it, he’ll continue to be in the dark.”

I shake my head. “If you all have money, then why did Trip not help his dad? And Jason’s family—”

“Their parents work primarily for my father. Even Carlos, with his own company, relies heavily on my dad’s business. Garry would notice right away if there was a change in any of their situations and would look into it. We can’t risk being found out. Their parents don’t even know about the money.”

Wow. No wonder Jason is so frustrated with his parents’ situation. Financially, he has the means to help, but if he does, he’d alert Garry to the money he’s not supposed to have. And Trip… It all makes sense now.

“But the apartment—?”

“Was a purchase to test if Dad knew anything about the accounts. As far as I’m aware, he still doesn’t know the three of us bought it. Since it’s bought under an LLC, he may never find out.”

I stare at him in awe.

“You’re really serious about this, aren’t you?” My words are hardly more than a strained whisper as I stare at the young man beside me.


Piecing together what little I know of Garry Gipson from Grant and his two friends, I have to believe there issomethinggoing on behind the scenes that no one but them knows about. Something big. Judging by how much Grant’s already done to get to the point that he’s buying real estate, he’s been planning this for quite a while. I’m sure the others have too, but Grant is different in the fact that he’s the thinker. Methodical, observant, and practical, Grant is the unofficial leader of the trio, and there’s a good reason for it. But what pushed him to go after his dad like this?

“Is what you’re doing dangerous? Would your dad—” I swallow hard “—come after you?”

Grant laughs. The sound is cold and forces another shiver to rush through me. “Garry would smash me like a bug if he knew what I wanted to do to him.”

Heavy trepidation weaves down my spine. Grant, Jason, and Trip are risking a lot to topple the king from his throne. But, if anyone could do it, maybe it could be the three of them. I’ve already had a firsthand account of how careful and cunning they are. These three were watching me for over a year before they made their move. What’s a year in the grand scheme of things for something likerevenge? Grant is playing the long game and aims to win.

I reach out slowly and place my hand on Grant’s shoulder. He flinches. When he looks over at me, I see confusion and suspicion in the depth of his eyes.

“Ok,” I whisper.

His brows furrow. “Ok?”

“Ok, I’ll help you,” I concede softly. “Let’s talk about what exactly you want to do with these properties, and I’ll keep my eyes peeled to make sure they meet your criteria.”

His scowl loosens as he shoots me a look. “Yeah?”

At my nod, he turns his attention back to the road with a small smile on his face.

Whatever these three decide to do in the future, I hope the risk is worth it. It must be since they’re willing to risk their lives, right? At least Grant’s not doing this solely for himself. He’s doing this for Jason’s and Trip’s families, and whoever else his father has hurt. If that’s not a noble cause, I don’t know what is. In the fading sunlight, I’m beginning to get a new insight into the young man beside me.

I don’t hate what I see.

Under my hand, I can feel his muscles relax. As I pull away, Grant reaches out and catches it. I try to pull back, hating how my heart flutters wildly in my chest at the contact. His grip tightens as he lowers my hand until both of ours rest on the console between us. I stare at where we’re joined.
