Page 73 of Not A Peep

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So why do I grow so frustrated with each passing room? Several times, Grant catches me glaring at Rachel’s back. Each time, I have to play it off when I realize the expression I’m wearing isn’t appropriate. By the time we make it back to the foyer, I swear smoke is fuming from my ears.

Trying hard not to care, I focus on looking around. It’s not until the end of the tour that I realize why this house seems so familiar. If I’m not mistaken, this is one of the houses I’d saved recently while casually browsing the market. I pull up my phone to double check, but I already know I’m right. I’ve virtually walked this house at least half a dozen times.

“So, what do you think?” Rachel asks with a bright smile. “Ready to put an offer down, or do you want to see the other two properties?”

There are two more? I want to groan. I’m going to have to deal with Rachel forhoursat this rate. When Grant looks over at me, I force a small smile into place.

“I want you to see all three houses. Are you ok to keep going, babe?”

Do I have a choice? Mentally, I roll my eyes. “Of course,darling.”

Grant’s smile twitches upward, growing incrementally. “Then let’s talk about the pros and cons of this house in the truck while we head to the next place.” He looks at Rachel. “We’ll meet you there.”

“Let me lock up and turn off the lights, then I’ll be right behind you.”

She waves us off as Grant steers me out of the front door. Neither of us say anything as he helps me into the truck. When he gets in and we pull away from the house, I wait for him to say something. When he doesn’t, I finally huff and ask, “So?”

“So what?”

I look at him incredulously. “What the hell was that all about? Why am I here, Grant?”

The heavy sigh he lets out doesn’t give me any clue as to what he’s thinking. It’s followed by a long stint of silence. We go miles without saying a word. But I don’t relent. I stare at his profile until he finally looks over at me.

“I value your opinion and want to hear your thoughts about the properties I’m considering investing in,” he admits.

It sounds just as ridiculous as when he told Rachel. My laughter is loud inside the cab and lasts for what feels like an eternity. The pain in my stomach doesn’t do anything to slow it down. Tears stream down my face.

“It’s not that funny.”

“It’shilarious,” I gasp as I double over and slap my knee. It takes a few minutes for me to compose myself. When I do, my cheeks are aching. “Ok, so, really. Tell me the truth. Why am I here right now?”

“I wasn’t joking,” Grant objects. “This is a big deal for me and having an extra set of eyes would really help. Your associates at the real estate firm you worked at gave raving reviews about you. According to them, you put the client’s needs first, you’re honest, and have a keen eye for the small details. Those are the qualities I need right now, dollface. I respect and desire your opinion on this matter.”

My mouth twists downward. “Since when did you startrespectingme? When I was on my knees in the library or when my pink lipstick was smeared over your dick after dressing up like a slut?”

Grant shoots me a dark look, “What did I say earlier about demeaning yourself?”

I don’t reply. I simply stare until he finally answers.

“Half the thrill of fucking with you comes from the fact you are a powerful, independent woman who is willing to do anything to make sure you’re dirty scheming doesn’t come to light.”

Ah, this makes a bit more sense. My jaw clenches together as I glare at his profile.

“You have a real estate agent who is supposed to have your best interests at heart. You don’t need me.”

“Rachel is a gold-digging, manipulative bitch. She used to work for my father before he fired her. I hired her in the hopes that she would help me toward my goal since she holds a grudge against him.” He rolls his eyes. “The only thing she wants is money and dick.”

I didn’t think I could be more surprised, but here I am, floored. “But you were flirting with her.”

“No, I was tolerating her.” Grant shakes his head. “She has connections that I need. I’m in a delicate situation at the moment.”

“‘A delicate situation’?” I repeat. “What are you trying to accomplish here?”

Grant’s jaw ticks. I watch as his grip tightens around the wheel, and he fidgets in his seat. When he doesn’t say anything, my impatience gets the best of me.


He glares at me, “If you breathe a word of what I’m about to tell you toanyone, I’ll destroy you. Do I make myself clear?”
