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"These vampires were all humanoid at one time; of course they would miss it," Reemagar agreed. "Perhaps we should put up taverns so the vampires might socialize with the comesuli, or create sports teams of some kind."

"Maybe we should ask the vampires for suggestions," I said, leaning my chin on my knees. "Not just the Councils, but the vampires themselves. Ask them what they'd like to do or what kinds of entertainment they'd like to have brought in. We can't have a planet full of bored and restless vampires. That sounds like trouble in the making."

"Your next meeting is in two days; I think we can prepare ballots by that time and download them onto the handheld devices they all have. I'm sure we can sort through the information we receive and have a workable solution in a short amount of time."

"That’s a good idea," I sat up straight and patted Reemagar's arm. He smiled down at me. "Your face is transformed when you smile," I told him. "You should do that more often."

"I will do my best," he replied.

"In the meantime, let's go to Kifirin and visit the babies." I stood and dusted off my clothes.

"I will be pleased to make that journey," Reemagar smiled again. I liked it. The blue of his skin was flawless. He folded both of us to the palace in Veshtul.

"Lissa, what are you doing here?" Garde was walking down the hall toward Glinda and Jayd's suite. I'd been about to knock on their door.

"We came to see the babies," I said.

"Then we'll see the babies." Garde rapped lightly on the door before entering the royal suite. Glinda was rocking one of the tiny girls; the other was sleeping in a crib close by. Jayd was sitting on a chair next to Glinda's.

"How are they?" I whispered, going to look at the one in her crib. They'd named the girls Jhase and Jheri, but I hadn't sorted out the scents, yet. It didn't matter; they were adorable.

"Fine," Glinda smiled. "All fed and no longer fussy."

"How's papa?" I looked over at Jayd.

"As fine as I can be at the moment," Jayd sighed. "We got the last of the troublemakers off—Kiarra and Kyler accomplished this for us so we wouldn't have to worry about the girls' safety."

"I'll bet Evensun is a wreck already," I muttered. "Those fools."

"They'll bring in some of the others tomorrow," Jayd went on.

"You'll have your work cut out for you, even with willing help," I said. "We'll help as much as we can—I'll try to get some of the farmers and such to come and teach them what they need to know. Surely some of the new ones will know how to cook and clean."

"Little Queen, I think you should not worry; they are going to Wresha tomorrow," Reemagar rubbed a hand over my shoulders. "There are many on that world belonging to the lower castes who know much about those things, including how to plant and harvest. It is the highest castes who have ruined the world and brought it to its current status."

"If you need something, let me know," I nodded to Jayd. He looked exhausted. "Did you get dinner tonight? Something decent?" I waited for an answer. "I'll be back," I said and folded away. Reemagar came with me; we loaded up quite a bit of food from my palace kitchen and returned with it. I fixed a plate for Jayd, Glinda and Garde and then sat with them while they ate. Reemagar even helped me clean up the dishes and the kitchen after they were done. I was familiar with Jayd's palace kitchen, after all—I'd worked there for a while.

"Lissa, you don't have to do this," Garde came in while I was wiping off cabinets and countertops.

"Yes, I do," I said, giving the counter one last swipe. "I took your help away. We just have to get you better help and get them settled. They'll have a big cleanup job to do in Veshtul; I can't imagine the others left it in good shape. I wish Jayd would let Glinda stay with us while you wrangle the new ones. And you're all welcome to come for meals, if nothing else. Can Glinda use her power, now? She can fold those babies in and out anytime. Giff would be more than happy to help her. Has Jayd given any thought to bringing in a nanny or something?"

"Lissa, slow down," Garde put his hands on my shoulders. "The universe's troubles aren't all yours. We need to stand up and take responsibility for ourselves. We got us into this mess; we have to get ourselves out."

"I just feel responsible," I said, rubbing my forehead to ease the tension.

"Lissa, if you hadn't done what you did when you did it, imagine where we'd be right now. I don't think we could have beaten back what showed up on our doorstep, do you?"

I didn't answer—we both knew the answer was no. Garde's hand moved to the back of my neck and he massaged it gently, beneath my hair, which I'd left loose. "Thank you for dinner," his breath fanned my temple as he leaned down to kiss my nape. "Go home, Lissa, and get some rest. You look tired."

Reemagar folded us back to Le-Ath Veronis and I thanked him before he went toward his suite. "Connegar was going to come looking for you earlier," he turned back before I went inside my suite. "I asked him if I could come instead. He allowed it."

"Thanks. I appreciate what you did for me, tonight." He smiled gently, so I told him goodnight and opened the door of my suite. Drew was waiting on me when I walked inside.

* * *

"There's our girl," Dragon said, greeting me. He and Crane were waiting at the breakfast table when Drake and Drew herded me to the dining room the following morning.

"Hey, Dragon. What's up?" I went to give him a peck on the cheek. Well, I was fooling around with his boys and all. Didn't that make us in-laws or something?

"Belen has given permission for all the former Falchani and their mates, if they so desire, to join the army on Falchan right now. There's a problem and the Falchani need our help. Don't worry," he held up a hand when I started to tell him I was busier than a ping pong ball in a tornado, "it's temporary and we can fold you back to this moment in time if you're worried you might miss a boring meeting." Dragon grinned at me. I didn't see him grin often, actually. He must really be looking forward to this. "Belen said you were welcome to go if you wanted. I just thought you might like to spend some time on Falchan. Look at it as a sort of honeymoon."

"Uh-huh," I nodded. "Can I have breakfast, first?"

"Why? There's breakfast waiting in the cooking tents on Falchan."

"Tents?" I think my eyebrows must have risen alarmingly, because I was folded away before I could say no.
