Page 6 of The Vegas Lie

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When Delilah’s message popped up, he’d been scrolling through Raina’s feed, reading the details from an event she recently hosted for one of her initiatives, EmpowerED Teens.

Dr. Lucas Saraci MD

Do you have more than one sister?

Delilah Daniels - 1st Year Menace


Dr. Lucas Saraci MD

Send me your address.

Delilah Daniels - 1st Year Menace

You don’t even know what the request is.

Dr. Lucas Saraci MD

You’re a med student. It’s guaranteed to be ridiculous and a waste of my time.

Delilah Daniels - 1st Year Menace

So, send my address?

Dr. Lucas Saraci MD


He didn’t know whether luck or fate had brought Raina’s sister to his lecture hall, especially since Delilah was admitted to Johns Hopkins before he and Raina crossed paths in Athens.

Nor did he care.


Curious brown eyes carefully assessed him, and dark hair cascaded over a bare peach-pale shoulder. That dark hair brushed the top of a strapless, body-hugging red dress as his dinner companion settled into the chair a server had pulled out. Then, she dismissed the server with a flick of her fingers.

He was a dick to his students. A wolf that didn’t bother clothing himself with sheep’s wool. Still, he supported them.

If he coddled them, they would never withstand even higher levels of arrogance from their attendings when they reached residency. Unfortunately, these days, he retained the arrogant air to protect a lie so fragile that a gentle blow could shatter it.

On the contrary, cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Emmaline Rockledge came from a line of successful doctors. Her family history in the United States started before Ellis Island. Her mother served as The Surgeon General during the Clinton Administration, and her father spent over a decade as the director of the CDC before he retired. Even her siblings were renowned in the fields of neurosurgery and immunology. In short, Emmaline was everything he pretended to be.

“Is everything okay?” Emmaline asked. “I can’t say I’ve ever seen you this focused on your phone.”

For all intents and purposes, the woman sitting across from him was considered a great beauty. Due to both looks and status, she was desired throughout the medical community and had spent most of her tenure turning down dates and marriage proposals. However, medicine was the only thing they had in common, and he’d spent three years stuck in the trap of trying to date and marry for social standing.

Then there was Raina Daniels.

Raina’s beauty radiated.

It made grown men,accomplished physicians,hold their breaths and stare at her from front rows and across hotel ballrooms, and then spend entirely too long planning what they would say after telling themselves not to approach her. To be this transfixed by one woman felt criminal, especially when she’d made it clear that she wasn’t interested in him.

Maybe that was why he couldn’t stop thinking about her; her rejection had stirred some primal urge inside him that human evolution hadn’t entirely erased. That meant he needed to see her, today, in order to get it, and her, out of his system.

“Em, I have to go.”

Emmaline cocked her head to the side. “You can’t leave. We haven’t even ordered the first course yet.”

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