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The need that had built up inside of me, my emotions, feelings, and having Grace here with me now, was my undoing. There was no going back. There never was once I’d had it in my mind that I’d make her mine.

I lifted my hand and smoothed my fingers down her neck, reveling in the smoothness of her skin. I felt like the world was crashing down around me. I’d move heaven and earth to please Grace. My feelings for her made me vulnerable, and I hadn’t felt that way since I was a child, since before my uncle passed. But this was a different kind of vulnerability. This was the kind that I wanted to embrace, because it felt like it was that one piece of myself I’d buried, too afraid to accept.

“All you have to do is tell me what you want, Grace, and it’s yours.”

She stared into my eyes, and I felt my heart beat a little faster at the vulnerability I saw. Damn, she was so innocent, so untouched and sheltered to the way the world was, to the way things could be. It made me want to protect her, keep her close and never let anything touch her.

“I just want you.”

God, did this woman know the power she held over me? Fuck, didIrealize the power she held over me?

You know exactly what she does to you, exactly how much strength she exerts over you with just one look.

“I love you, Lucian. I think I’ve loved you from the moment I walked into your class.”

I closed my eyes, and this rough sound left me, one that was more animal than man. She brought out the primal side of me, the beast that I kept buried deep within. Letting it out would only cause destruction, would let my weaknesses free. I needed to always be in control, especially with Grace. But hearing her say she loved me had everything breaking around me, inside me. It had pleasure and pain, hope and fear consuming me.

I couldn’t let her go. I wouldn’t. She was bound to me irrevocably, mine for the taking. No one else would ever have her, and because of that she should be afraid. She should be terrified of the lengths I’d go to keep her close, to keep other men who desired her away.

“I don’t want to ruin you,” I finally said. “I don’t want the love I have for you to twist and drive you away.” Because the power I felt when I was with her was unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

“You love me?”

I looked into her eyes and growled. “I love you more than I’ve ever fucking loved anything in my life.”

“Then that’s all that matters.”

The air left me. “My sweet, innocent little Grace.” I shook my head slowly. “If life, the world, was so easy…”

She was the one to shake her head now. “Why can’t it be?” she asked softly. “You love me. I love you. Nothing else should matter.”

And it didn’t, to an extent. It wasoutside influences that had me fearing her being plucked from my life, like a flower being pulled from the ground.

But my Grace was strong, fearless. She moved closer, pressed her breasts more firmly against my chest.

I stared into her eyes. “I meant it when I said I won’t let you go,” I said softly, our lips still inches apart.

“I know,” she whispered.

I didn’t say anything else as I leaned in and kissed her hard and deep, just wanting to imprint myself on her. All control had fucking gone at that moment. I hoped she was ready, because the restrained Lucian she knew was gone.


Professor Goode



All mine.

I kissed Grace like stopping would be my death.

Nothing else mattered but this one moment and making Grace feel good, making her see that I wanted her above all else. I couldn’t have walked away if my life had depended on it.

Hell, I’d gladly die in this very moment, with Grace’s lips pressed to mine and the sweet sounds of her moans filling my ears.

She broke the kiss and gasped. “I feel like if I don’t hold on to you, I won’t be steady. I won’t be here, like this is nothing but a dream.”
