Page 61 of Stalked

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Him calling her my girlfriend isn’t it. I’m so obsessed with her, I bathe in the title of being her boyfriend.

Someday soon, I’ll be more than that to her. I’ll be her waking and sleeping moments. I’ll keep her safe from jerks like this one right here. From anyone at all, period.

We’ll live under the same roof in the big house I bought—our house, spending evenings cuddled on the couch. She and I will have two to three children. They—if they’re lucky—will inherit their mother’s looks, her brains, her sweet smile. The mysteriously alluring aura around her that makes her so special.

She’s mine. There’s no question about it.

The commitment doesn’t scare me. I’m all in.

It’shistitle that surrenders me momentarily speechless.

He’s her father.

That’s why she’s been acting out of character today.

The short text she sent me earlier wasn’t when I started getting worried.

As I stood in my window and watched over the street all morning, I didn’t see her leave the building for her jog. I left the camera rolling while I snuck up to the terrace every thirty minutes. There’d been no sign of her.

My hackles rose, and the contents of her message verified my doubts. Ever since, my eyes hadn’t missed a single human or pet leaving our apartment building. I spied each car driving out of our parking lot, waiting for Prue’s Prius to show up.

Until she showed up, and another surge of jealousy pummeled me, hard. The ugly emotion rearing its head was so foreign, I confused it with rage for a moment.

The rational part of me insisted she wasn’t cheating on me. My virginal, innocent Prue. The sweet young woman who batted her eyelashes at me and gave me what she’d kept from the rest of the world. She couldn’t have gone out on a date the same day we were supposed to go to dinner together.

Then again, I did leave the conscious version of her alone for two days. I did it.

Thank fuck the green-eyed monster poisoning me didn’t stop me from finding out the truth. From lurking outside the café. From creeping up behind her.

From recording this as evidence.

“She’ll forgive me for having her back.” I glower at him.

What he doesn’t take into account, what his idiot of a friend missed, is me. How—to my complete and utter surprise, too—I realize I’m willing to do anything for his daughter.

“Prue?” He’s looking at her, and I can’t have her get lost in his evil claws.

“Don’t.” I turn my head to her profile, gripping her tighter.

Her eyes are still locked on the seething bastard. The way she trembles in my hold, I can’t tell if it’s because she’s angry or terrified or both.

Both infuriate me. I need her to be peaceful and content. I need her to know nothing bad will happen to her as long as I’m alive.

“Prue,” I repeat, louder this time. “Look at me.”

My change of tone does the trick. She severs the venomous connection with—for lack of a better word—the sperm donor, looking at me with those wide, brown eyes.

“Yes?” she says, allowing her muscles to relax and melt into my body. To trust me.

“Weak fucking cunt,” her dad snorts. “Just like your mother. Will do anything for a dick.”

“Shut up.” My growl has the asshole flinching.

I leverage on his temporary shock to look back at Prue. Her head is bowed, probably from being degraded in public by this human scum. Another thing I won’t have.

With a firm finger under her chin, I press and force her gaze off the fucking floor.

“Is it true?” I lower my voice, not interested in having other people overhear me or for this guy to butt in. “Is this…man”—I snarl—“your father?”
