Page 91 of Stalked

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“Okay, Dr. Wentworth.” Vienna fishes her cell from her purse, and Bonnie offers to help while they eat and before they go home.

They say goodbye again and leave.

The sound of heels and low chatter fades in the distance. My eyes lower from the plain lunch my fingers clutch onto to the plain sneakers I’m wearing after the surgery.

I have my heels for the afternoon’s consultations and post-op appointments in Michelle’s office, and damn, maybe I should’ve—

“Eyes on me.” Theo is thunder. A storm.

A force I instantly submit to.

“Good girl.”

He outstretches his arm behind me, shuts the door to his clinic, and pulls me into his chest. His strong finger presses my chin up, making sure I won’t look anywhere else.

“I love seeing you here, in my clinic.” The fire in his tone burns me, sending heat directly to my core. “I’m grateful to have you here. For lunch. For being yourself.”

He reads my mind like no one else.

My insecurities, as much as I try to hide them, are exposed under his inquisitive glare. He assesses them in rapid speed, analyzes how to deal with them, and ends up making me feel better in their absence.

He makes me feel good. Really good.

“Don’t get me wrong.” The strict line of his lips softens, as does his voice. “You want to wear heels, dresses, and makeup? Do your hair in a salon? I’ll never stop you. I’ll take you every fucking way I can, Prue. So long as it’s your choice. Are we clear?”

“Yes, we are.”

“I’m glad.” He releases me, resting his warm palm on the small of my back, guiding me to his clinic. “What are we having for lunch?”

“How do you feel about a BLT?” I glance at him, gliding, almost walking on air.

“How?” Theo motions for me to enter before him, closes the door behind us, and locks it. “I love it. Let’s eat.”



Weeatfast.Asin, inhaling the sandwiches and swallowing them with lots of water kind of fast. I’m not even hungry, but Theo demanded I eat and so I do.

I thought I was hungry earlier. Then I laid my eyes on him, and my hormones eviscerated everything else. Because when Theo shut the door, sat behind his desk, and assumed his doctor role wearing his white coat and a stern expression, I was pretty sure I’d never be hungry again.

But here I am, my tummy full and fluttering. My hands are in my lap, my eyes glazing over to Theo.

I get high on doing what he tells me to, on pleasing him. I finally belong to someone, to the person I love, and I’m not embarrassed to admit anymore that it makes me really happy.

As I wait for him, the both of us are quiet.

The energy in the room is explosive. The sweet, how was your day talk we’ve had over the past two mornings and afternoons has no place here.

Lust and dirty desires wrap us in invisible cords. Darkness and depravity cloud the air.

I’m not stifled by it. I’m…alleviated.

It’s been too long without having him touch me. Boss me around.

My lingering desire morphs more and more into this wicked, uncontrollable entity. It calls for its master. To serve the man, who in return puts me on a pedestal, who thrives by watching me thrive.

Theo throws away what’s left of our meal, clearing his desk.
