Page 68 of Devil's Rage

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“You owe me a dance, big brother,” she said. Her eyes slitted when she saw my phone. “You better not be working.”

“I know better,” I said and took her hands, letting her pull me out on the floor.

Ty, Heavy, Artie, Pasquale, Kir, and the other guys were already out there. An old, favorite song of mine started to play and I glanced at Ty, who winked at me. We began to dance and groove, and the sight of my guys around me, my family having so much fun got a laugh out of me. For a second, I gave myself into the music, moving and spinning Lia around, smiling with ease as she danced with that fervent energy that burned inside of her.

Only, as I spun around, I saw smiles and laughter on everyone’s faces—except one.

Sara, who stood there, hands loose at her sides, gazing at me with such devastation that I stumbled, sure I had to be imagining it. What would cause her to look at me like that? Ty helped straighten me up, patting my chest and laughing, yanking me back around as I gazed around for Sara in vain.

But she was gone.



Ididn’t see Sara for the rest of the night, until Ty, Lia, and I arrived back at their rooms. More than once, I’d attempted to slip off, wanting to go check on her, but I hadn’t been able to make my escape. At one point, I’d heard Lia ask Ty where Sara had gone, and someone else said she’d gone to check on Mario. Ty and Lia had simply exchanged a grateful, affectionate look at that, and gone back to dancing. Granted, the night hadn’t lasted much longer as it was already pushing one in the morning and it was clear that Ty and Lia wanted to escape off to their honeymoon nest, located in a private cove at the far end of the sprawling villa.

“Maybe we should’ve come to check on Mario sooner,” Lia fretted as we came in.

“I told you, if there was a concern, then Sara would’ve come and got us,” Ty said. “Now, go get your bag.” His voice deepenedwith the order, but his eyes danced as Lia gave him a look, and I wished I was anywhere but here. Until Sara padded out in pajamas, no longer in her dress, her face washed clean, and gave us a sleep smile. “There you are. Why’d you leave?”

“I knew Georgie wanted to get to the airport,” she said. There had been some kind of family issue that forced Georgie, their nanny, to leave a few days early. In any case, Sara and I had already been on the hook to babysit tonight, wanting to give Georgie the night off. “Sorry, I didn’t want to interrupt your evening. Have fun?”

“Thank you for that, but I’m sorry that you missed out—there was some good dancing,” Lia said with a laugh and shot me a sly look. “Is Mario asleep?”

“Yes, don’t wake him up,” Sara chided. “Get out of here before Ty implodes. Shoo.”

There was a bit more laughter, Ty and Lia collecting their bags, and telling us to contact them if something happened with Mario. As Sara finally shut the door on them, she snorted and glanced at me, sharing a rare look of camaraderie, “Like we’re going to interrupt the newlyweds’ evening.”

“No kiddin’,” I said, trying to inject warmth into my voice. “So.”

“So,” Sara echoed and moved into the kitchen, pouring a glass of water. “Thirsty?”

“Nah, I’m good,” I said.

Silence fell as she drank, and we avoided each other’s eyes. Still, it was uncomfortable, though I found myself replaying that moment over and over again when I’d seen Sara standing at the edge of the dance floor with that look on her face. What had happened? Should I ask?

Could I ask?

“Do you want to watch TV or something?” I asked, hating how paltry that question was, how thin it stretched to try and bridge the gap between us.

“Actually, I’m pretty wiped out,” Sara said, her tone falsely light. “I was thinking I’d go to bed.”

“I can stay up a little bit,” I said. “Make sure Mario doesn’t stir.”

“Well, I’ll be in his room,” Sara said with a slight frown even as she forced a smile. “But the baby monitor is on the table if I sleep through it.” She seemed to want to say something else, only now the silence felt too heavy, and she quickly headed for Mario’s door. “Night.”

“Night,” I said and walked over to the couch, sitting heavily on it. I yanked at my tie and stared into the dark shadow of glass, the ocean and rest of the villa swallowed into shadow.

I must have imagined it,I thought as I sat back and closed my eyes.And even if I didn’t, I don’t get to ask.

At least there was a bitter silver lining to this evening—this was probably the last time that Sara and I would ever be forced to be in such close proximity together.

It might even be the last time we’re ever alone together—well except for Mario.

And that’s probably for the best.I squeezed my eyes shut.It has to be.

Only, as I spent a sleepless night, miserably aware that Sara was only feet away, I wished the dawn would never come.
