Page 71 of This Spells Love

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“You’re killing me, you know that?” I throw back the same phrase he used last night.

He ignores me and keeps kissing. “We are going to be at this for a while. No need to rush things.” And just to prove a point, he drags his tongue all the way back to the left and starts over.

All-night, slow, hot sex with Dax is exactly what I want. I am fully signing up for this activity. But I also desperately want my panties off and to be reacquainted with his talented fingers, so much so that my hips lift from the couch in anticipation.

Dax laughs. “I can take a hint when I see one.” He hooks hisfingers under the waistband and shimmies my panties off in one quick motion. Then flings them across the room, where they join my bra on the lampshade.

“Nice shot.”

Dax bends down and plants a quick kiss on my lips. “I’m a talented guy.” And to back that thought up, his fingers once again find my aching clit. It’s better than I remember, the feeling of his fingers and the swirls of pleasure they elicit from my body.

I moan into his mouth. He responds with another soundless laugh as he dips a finger into the wetness between my legs. He circles my entrance. “Again?”

No actual answer from my end, just another moan and my best efforts at anuh-huh.He pushes in one finger. And as he starts to pump, he scrapes his stubbled cheek down my chest to my breast. When his lips find my nipple and suck, the sensation drives my hips from the couch. “Holy fuck.”

“Good?” he asks.

“Better than good.” I don’t have a word for this feeling. It’s pleasure and satisfaction and aching all wrapped up into one intense sensation emanating from my clit, and my breast, and everywhere in between. I’m so close to orgasm that it’s almost embarrassing. A guy lasting a minute would be shameful. For once, there’s a double standard where we women come out on top.

By sheer will, I hold on for another minute until the sensation builds to a point where my body can no longer contain it. And the feeling explodes like a shaken bottle of champagne. But instead of apop,I let go of a satisfiedahhhhas my body fills with that delicious rush.

Dax slows his strokes but remains inside me as my floating body returns to earth.

Chapter 19

I’m a limpnoodle. A post-orgasm, well-sexed noodle who can barely find the energy to lift my hand to Dax’s cheek as he again brings his lips to mine.

“We should do that a lot more often,” I tell him.

“You’ll get no objections from me.”

“Speaking of you.” The sight of Dax’s erection gives me a second wind. I reach to stroke him, but he stands before I have the chance to.

“We are far from done, Daxon B.”

He leans over. “I agree. But I think we could use a little more room for this next part.”

With that, he scoops me into his arms and lifts me from the couch. We’re the cover of a grocery store romance paperback, only way more naked. He carries me to his room, not bothering with the light, and sets me down on his neatly made bed.

“Round two?” I reach for him again. His penis is so hard and thick. As I stroke him, I’m torn between wanting him in my mouth or between my legs. He makes the call when he reaches for his nightstand, pulls out a condom, and holds it up.

“Just making sure you want to do this tonight.”

I point at his penis. “I am not leaving here until I do that tonight. Ideally twice.”

He tears the wrapper with his teeth and rolls the condom on in a single motion. I get a brief sensation of butterflies as he climbs onto the bed in between my legs.

I think we passed the point of no return for our friendship hours ago. But this act somehow makes it official.

He dips just the tip into me, then swirls it around, making his cock wet and me wetter. So when he pushes in, it’s in one long, smooth, gliding motion, and I’m lost again in that delicious stretch.

“It’s even better than I hoped it would be.”

He laughs at my words. A singlehawith a chest heave. Then he drops his head, brings his lips to mine, and kisses me like he’s been thinking about this moment all night.

When he finally breaks the kiss, his hips begin to move. Slow, even strokes that I can feel all the way up to my eyeballs.

I think I may be in love with his penis. There are many, many things about Dax that I enjoy. But at this very moment, they all seem to pale in comparison.
