Page 10 of Sold on You

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She smiled. “Sounds good to me.”

After they finished dinner,Ace helped Charlee wash the few dishes while she wiped down the counters. Charlee stole glances at Ace as they cleaned, hoping he didn’t notice her looking at him. Dinner had been enjoyable, more so than she had expected.

Ace had always given her a hard time whenever he was around. Sometimes she wasn’t sure how to take the teasing. She always wondered if he was flirting and was tempted once or twice to flirt back.

She felt relaxed around Ace, not uptight, not worried about him coming on to her. He was her best friend’s big brother. She’d grown up with him and she knew she could trust him. Ace wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, she knew that in her heart and soul. Like his three brothers, he was a good man.

Charlee glanced at him from beneath her lashes. Maybe she should reconsider.

He finished drying the last dish and set the dish towel down. He leaned against the counter and braced his palms on the granite to either side of him. “I’d love to have a look around your cabin.”

“I’ll take you on a tour.” She set aside the paper towels after drying her hands. “We’ll start on the lower level.”

Pleasure at his approval warmed her through as he admired her home away from home while she guided him through the four guest rooms, library, and game room.

“It’s just me most of the time,” she said as they stood next to the pool table in the game room. “But sometimes I have guests.” She thought about kids running around the place and she smiled. “Maybe I’ll even have a family of my own one day.”

She blinked, having surprised herself by admitting that to Ace. Maybe that meant she was closer to being healed and ready to move on than she’d believed.

“This would be a great place to spend time with family.” A shadow crossed his face as he said the words, bringing her thoughts to a pause. Probably nothing.

“Yes, it is.” She nodded slowly but forced the idea of her own family away for now. “So that’s the grand tour.”

“Everything’s so neat and spotless,” Ace said. “You might cringe at my place.”

“I don’t care what anyone else’s home looks like.” She shook her head. “As far as me, I’ve been kind of a neat freak and obsessive compulsive when it comes to organization, since I was a kid. I have a hard time letting things go.”

“Well, it is beautiful.”

She smiled. “Thank you.”

Ace fell into step beside her as she exited the room. “If I’m going to be stuck in a snowstorm with anyone, I’m glad it’s you,” he said.

She shot him a look, sure she was going to see his teasing grin. But he looked serious.

“Why is that?” she asked him as they walked back to the kitchen.

He shrugged. “You’re fun and easy to get along with. I can’t think of a better person to spend extra time with than you.”

Charlee found herself smiling. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

As they reached the kitchen, a strange feeling overcame her, like a premonition. Like she’d been meant to be stranded with Ace.

That’s crazy.She found herself staring at him, taking in his presence, which was sexy as hell. She’d always thought of him as the best-looking McBride brother, and every one of them was hot. Ace’s brown hair looked soft in the kitchen lighting and she wanted to stare into his McBride-blue eyes. She had the desire to trace his stubbled jaws with her fingertips before she slid her hands beneath his collar…

What would it be like to kiss Ace? What would it feel like to be in his arms?

He turned and caught her staring at him. He winked. “See something you like?”

Heat flushed through her entire body, but she had the desire to grin at the same time.

“Yes, I do.” She tried for a serious expression.

He raised one arm and flexed his biceps like a bodybuilder. “And that would be?”

She pointed past him, trying so hard not to laugh. “A can of gourmet hot chocolate is on the top shelf behind you.”

“Is that all?” He grinned, clearly certain that was not all she’d wanted in that moment. He retrieved the can of hot chocolate, along with a bag of mini marshmallows that had a clip on one end.
