Page 11 of Sold on You

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“I brought the marshmallows a few weeks ago, when I was last here.” She felt like she was rambling, because right now all she could think about were the muscles he’d flexed so nicely. She filled a tea kettle with water and put it on a burner before turning on the flame. “Hot chocolate with a ton of marshmallows is my favorite treat, my idea of dessert in the wilderness.”

“It’ll hit the spot.” Ace grabbed two red mugs out of a cabinet and placed them on the counter near the stove. He read the back of the can before putting a couple of tablespoons of the mixture in each cup, along with a heavy helping of marshmallows in one, then the other.

She tried not to stare even more…at his strong hands, the flex of muscle in his forearms and carved biceps. His black T-shirt was snug on his muscular frame, his shoulders broad. She’d thought of him as good looking, but at this moment he was downright delicious.

Damn, but she had to control her thoughts. It would not be a good idea to let herself start to fantasize about Ace McBride, for all the myriad of reasons she’d been ticking off since she’d decided to call him to come to her rescue.

“Don’t gyp me on marshmallows,” she said, going for a teasing tone to cover herself.

He laughed. “I gave you an extra one.”

She shook her head and smiled. “I expect another dozen to find their way into my mug.”

He flashed that killer grin. “You asked for it.”

The tea kettle started to whistle, steam spilling from the spout. She turned off the burner then poured water in each mug, and Ace stirred the contents.

Charlee laughed when she saw that one mug looked like it had more marshmallow than hot chocolate. She scooped it up. “Mine.”

She nodded in the direction of the living room. “The couches in this house are amazing to relax in.” They each carried a mug out of the kitchen and Charlee flicked off the lights behind them. Ossie followed and settled near the huge TV.

The lighting in the living room was low, but at a comfortable level, where they didn’t have to strain to see.

Ace got a fire crackling in the big fireplace, then took a seat close to Charlee on the couch. She held her breath a moment, half expecting him to scoot closer to her and ease his arm around her shoulders.

What would she do if he did exactly that?

Charlee let out a slow breath as Ace didn’t make any move in that direction. He sipped from his mug of chocolate as he stared at the fire, seeming lost in his thoughts for the moment.

Maker’s Mark sounded really good right now. She shouldn’t be bringing any alcohol into this mix, but she needed to relax. She was too wound up.

“I have bourbon if you’d like some in your drink,” she said.

He turned his gaze on her, his sexy smile warming her as if she’d already spiked her own drink and had just taken one hell of a swallow.

“I won’t say no to whiskey.” His voice was low and smooth, and a thrill rolled through her belly.

Charlee found herself rising and going to the liquor cabinet and taking out a bottle of Maker’s Mark. She brought it back to the couch, removed the cap, and poured a healthy amount into Ace’s mug, then her own.

She swirled the bourbon and hot chocolate in her mug then took a long drink. Heat rolled down her throat and landed in her belly. She sighed and lowered her mug. “So good.”

Ace watched her the whole time, making her feel somehow more alive beneath his attention. He didn’t drink from his own mug until she lowered hers.

It was her turn to watch him. She couldn’t take her eyes away from his firm lips and mouth, and the way his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed.

He set his mug on the coffee table and faced her. She gripped hers tighter in her lap, refusing to let go of what seemed like a lifeline in the dangerous waters she was close to falling into.

“Charlee,” he said in a low voice, and her skin tingled with the way he said her name. “I promised you that I would be a gentleman, and I aim to keep my promise.”

She swallowed, not sure what to say. Should she tell him she didn’t want him to be a gentleman? Screw her fears, set herself free, and take the opportunity to “move on” by spending time in bed with Ace?

Or pull on the reins and force herself to slow down. She liked Ace, liked him a lot. In truth, she had always felt something for him, she just wouldn’t allow herself to recognize the attraction for what it was.

But was he the right man to take that step with? He wouldn’t hurt her, she was certain. Like she’d told herself before, once she turned in that direction, she could screw up a perfectly good friendship, if that was all it was meant to be.

She swallowed again. “I know you will, Ace.” Her lips trembled as she smiled. “Interested in a movie? I keep a lot of DVDs here since I don’t get much of a signal to stream videos.”

He smiled in return. “Got something Christmasy?”
