Page 15 of Sold on You

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She snorted back a laugh.

“The spirits tell me you’re in for the best Christmas of your life.” He nodded solemnly. “You won’t want to go back home.” He opened his eyes and moved his fingertips away from her forehead. “Besides, I’ve got you in my clutches now.”

She couldn’t help grinning when she was around him. “We’ll see.”

He reached for her and she stiffened, afraid he was going to touch her in some way she couldn’t handle.

But he just tugged her ponytail. “I’ll bet you anything you’ll be wishing for us to come back after this storm is over, just the two of us.”

“This is an easy one.” She relaxed. “If I win—meaning I don’t plan on bringing you up here alone again—then you owe me a drink at Nectars. Just one.”

“And if I win, you owe me a candlelight dinner at your place.” His eyes held hers, a gaze she could get lost in if she allowed herself.

“There’s no way you can win this one.” Her whole body flushed with heat. “I’m going to. Easy-peasy”

“We’ll see. You just have to promise to be honest,” he said with a smile.

“I’m always honest.” It was mostly true, but only when she wasn’t lying to herself.

Or my family.After all, she hadn’t told the truth about Christmas.

That really wasn’t so smart of her.

Ace tugged her ponytail again before turning back to his pancakes and finishing them off.

She watched him as he ate, her stomach flipping at the thought of spending days with him and not wanting to leave. Wantingmoretime with him.

Her throat worked as she swallowed. The bet hadn’t been such a great idea. Being here alone with Ace wasn’t a good idea.


Ace tried notto frown as he glanced up to see a range of emotions play over Charlee’s features. She’d looked relaxed and happy before worry, concern, and fear had followed. He’d been trying to keep things easy and fun between them, but apparently he was doing a crappy job of it.

She met his gaze. “I’m sorry I’ve screwed up your holiday. You’re stuck here with me and you’ll be missing the big McBride family gathering.”

“Hey.” He took her hands in his and gripped them. “I’m happy to be here with you. For one, you shouldn’t be spending the holiday alone. You know you’re important to the whole family, but I want to make sure you know you’re important tomejust as much.”

She gave him a little smile. “Thanks, Ace.”

He brought her hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “Happy Christmas Eve, Charlee.”

Her cheeks turned pink. “Happy Christmas Eve.”

Ace let her fingers slide from his. “I’m going to get the kitchen cleaned up and then we can see about getting a tree in here.”

Charlee glanced out the window where snow swirled. “I dunno. It’s coming down pretty good.”

“Have faith,” he said.

“I have loads of faith in you.”

“But first the kitchen.” He inclined his head in that direction. “I made a hell of a mess.”

Charlee visibly relaxed. “I’ll help.”

He slid off his stool and held back from taking Charlee’s hand to help her off her own seat. He didn’t want to push anything with her. He knew she’d been hurt bad, the kind of bad you really never get over, you just move past and reclaim your life for your own.

They cleaned up the kitchen then Ossie followed them to the floor-to-ceiling windows that looked onto the back of the property. Thick woods surrounded the cabin, but little could be seen with the storm raging outside, snow slanting and swirling before them. The cabin was so well insulated that the storm could barely be heard.
