Page 44 of Sold on You

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She nodded, looking thoughtful. “I’m going to miss our time together.”

“This isn’t over.” He took her by her shoulders. “I’ve won a few dates with you during the past few days, and I intend to collect, sooner rather than later.”

She seemed to search his eyes for something, he wasn’t sure what.

“When we get back to real life, the magic of our stay here will be over.” Her words came out soft and low. “Everything we’ve experienced here has been wonderful. But now that we’re leaving, it ends.”

He shook his head. “It doesn’t end. It will never end.”

She turned away from him and looked back at the scenery outside. “Things always do.”

“Charlee, where is this coming from?” He frowned as he studied her. “We’ve had a great time and that’s not going to stop. I’ve always cared about you, and somehow I care for you even more now than I did before.” The “more” he wasn’t ready to think too deeply about.

She shrugged. “I’m going to go pack and I need to change and wash the linens before we go.” She started to move away.

“Wait.” He took her by her shoulders and turned her to look at him. He cupped her face in his palms and looked into her eyes. Before she could do anything, he lowered his mouth and kissed her.

She seemed strangely hesitant at first, but soon matched him in the deepness of the kiss. He hadn’t let anything go beyond pleasing her since they’d come to the cabin, but he’d wanted to so damned badly it had been all he could do to restrain himself.

When he drew away, he stroked her cheek with his thumb. “To be continued.”

She gave him a half smile before stepping back. She turned and walked away, stopping only to pet Ossie, then continued on toward the bedrooms.

Ace watched her softly swaying hips, the perfect shape of her body, the way she carried herself. What was going on in that head of hers? What was with the one-eighty?

Why is she acting like this?

He sighed. “Women.”

Ossie trotted to his side, sat and looked up at him with her big blue eyes.

“Not you.” He scratched her behind the ears. “You are the best kind of female. Beautiful, loyal, loving—everything Charlee is—butyoudon’t drive me crazy.”

Ossie gave him a big doggie smile, looking like she would laugh if she could, and nuzzled his hand.

Ace gave her one more rub behind her ears before he strode to the guest bedroom he’d been staying in to get his things together.

Tears burnedthe backs of Charlee’s eyes as she stuffed the linens into the washing machine. Why was she so weepy all of a sudden? Because she’d done her best to push Ace away?

She was going to miss him. Was going to missthis.She would go back to her life and he would go back to his.

If it didn’t end, everything that had been so perfect would go away. She wanted to remember their time for the wonderful days they’d spent together. Life would get in the way and the memory would fade if they tried to continue.

You are making no sense, Charlee,she told herself sternly.But I don’t want to screw up anything.

She would drive herself crazy if she kept this up.

Memories of their time together kept flowing through her mind as she walked to her bedroom to pack. The fun they’d had, the way he teased her and made her laugh. All of their crazy bets.

Her smile faltered. She had a string of dates with Ace that she’d have to pay up.

And what they’d done last night. What they’d shared.

She blew out her breath and stuffed clothes into her duffel that she needed to take home.

Maybe shecouldhave something with Ace. Maybe she should try. Let herselfgo.

The thought lingered in her mind. Maybe she was being stupid pushing him away. Maybe she should see where it went.
