Page 63 of Sold on You

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“They feel the baby is too young to be taking him out in the cold and being around a lot of people,” Dara said. “They’re not ready to leave him with a sitter, since he’s only a few days old.”

“I’d feel the same way.” Charlee tried not to glance around, which would make it clear she was thinking about Ace. “I’m betting I’ll be a real Mama Bear with my kids.”

Dara rested her hand on Charlee’s upper arm. “I’m glad to see you coming around when it comes to relationships and kids. It’s really good to see you smiling again when we talk about either.”

“It feels good, too.” Charlee tipped her head in the direction of two other McBride wives. “Let’s go say hello to Fiona and Celine and see what they’re up to.”

“Sure.” Dara gave Charlee an amused look. “Great way to distract me from giving you a hard time about Ace, by the way.”

Ace feltlike he’d been broadsided by Dara’s teasing about twins. He knew that’s what it had been, teasing, but with him it wasn’t a joke. Just the thought of kids scared the crap out of him—and twins? Holy shit. For a moment he tried to picture himself as a dad, but it just wouldn’t come to him.

Nope. Nada. Nothing.

He worked his way through the crowd and finally made it to Justice. “Hey, bro.”

Justice clapped him on the back. “Did you tell Charlee?”

Ace scratched the back of his neck. “Later, when I take her home.”

Justice shook his head. “You are pushing things. You know that, don’t you?”

Ace looked down at the hardwood floor before meeting Justice’s gaze. “Yeah. I really screwed up.”

“That you did.” Justice pointed toward the kitchen. “Jayson’s got some beer on ice.”

“I could use one, that’s for sure.” Ace and Justice worked their way through the crowd and entered the kitchen. “I don’t recognize half these people,” Ace said once they were in the quieter kitchen.

Justice bent and grabbed a couple bottles of beer out of a cooler. “Likely some of Celine’s New York friends, considering all those folks in city clothes.”

Ace used a church key he found on the nearby counter, and popped his cap. He took Justice’s bottle and popped that cap, too, before handing back the beer. Justice leaned against the counter while they both took a long pull from their bottles.

I’ve really screwed things up this time.Ace hooked a thumb in his belt loop, lost in his thoughts of Charlee. He’d loved her as long as he could remember. There it was, love. Helovedher. But he’d been selfish and hadn’t backed off when he’d learned she wanted kids.

Having Charlee in his life was the most amazing thing he’d ever known. But it was also the worst. Because once he’d had what he wanted, he didn’t know how he’d do it without her.

Do life. Do the future. Do anything with enjoyment.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose.Ah, hell.

“I can’t see being a dad.” The words came out before Ace realized he’d spoken them aloud.

“You’re gonna be a daddy?”

Ace snapped his head around as one of his oldest brothers, Jack, who was Jayson’s twin, walked into the kitchen, an interested look on his features. “You and Charlee gonna have a baby?”

“Hell, no.” The back of Ace’s neck burned. “I was telling Justice that I’ve never wanted kids and that there’s no way in hell I’m having kids. No damned way.”

A sound from behind Jack made all three McBride brothers turn.

Charlee and Dara stood in the doorway. Charlee looked like she’d been slapped. She met Ace’s gaze for one moment before she turned and fled.

Oh, shit.

Dara glared at Ace. “Are you serious? You’ve been dating Charlee and you never mentioned you didn’t want children when she does?”

“I need to go after her.” He started toward the door.

Dara put up a hand. “Maybe that’s not such a good idea after how she just learned that small detail, which is a huge detail to her. I should probably talk with her.”
