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He shifted on his seat. “Yes, with Crystal.”

“Awww, cute.”

Kyle didn’t like the edge to Laney’s voice. He nudged her with his foot and nodded toward the sink. “Stick the plates over there, I’ll get dessert out.”

“You don’t want to talk about her.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You do?”

“Sure. We’re friends, right? Friends can talk about anything.”

He barked out a laugh. “Okay. Let’s talk about your last boyfriend.”

She pretended not to hear him as she started to rinse off the dinner plates. He stalked over and placed his hands against the counter on either side of her, trapping her next to the sink. He flicked off the tap and nudged his head against hers.

“I thought you wanted tonight to be honest.” Laney’s voice was quiet, but the hurt rang loud and clear.

“There’s honest and then there’s too much. Getting into twelve years of sexual history falls into the latter category. “

“I don’t want to know about your sex life,” she whispered. “I just…we didn’t do anything like that. Couple stuff. I’ve never done that, with anyone. I’m curious.”

“I’m not a great example of relationship success.” That was an understatement. He didn’t know how they’d ended up on this topic, and he couldn’t see a way to navigate past it. Every muscle in his body was taut with tension, and he felt like a fight was just around the corner.

“Humour me.” She pressed against him, making a pocket of space in which to turn, and then she was sliding her hands under his shirt. “Let’s go sit by the fire and talk.”

“I have a better idea. Let’s go lie down by the fire, and I’ll convince you that talking is overrated.”

“That’s been my line, hasn’t it?” She laughed and twisted away from him, swaying her hips in the process. He groaned, wanting to grab those hips and slide her beneath him, kiss her until they both forgot how much was still left unsaid between them. He felt restless, like a boxer before a match, and he followed her, wondering if that feeling of discordance maybe couldn’t be separated from the passion sparking between them. That this fling was actually makeup sex, or ex sex, delayed a decade.

Laney knelt on the rug and pulled off her top. He stood in front of her, taking in the glorious sight in front of him. Her blonde hair flowed loose down her back in gentle waves, cascading over the delicate curve of her shoulders. She wore a black pushup bra, her pale skin glowing in stark contrast despite the dim light in the room. She looked up at him with a gentle smile, but there was a faint tremble to her bottom lip. He stroked her cheek, and she rubbed her face back against his hand.

“Come down here,” she whispered, tugging on his hand.

He pulled off his own shirt and joined her, pressing their bare torsos together, warming her on both sides as he dragged his hands up and down her spine. He dipped his head to capture her mouth and she pulled away. “Not yet. Let’s talk.”

Kyle groaned and ground his pelvis against her. “Feel that? He doesn’t want to talk.”

She grinned. “We have all night, remember?”

That earned her another groan, and he tucked his thumbs inside the waistband of her jeans. “Then why did we start to get naked?”

She tilted her head to the side and blinked as if just thinking about that question for the first time. “It seemed like a good idea. Like taking off armour. Plus I like it when you touch my breasts.”

He stroked his thumbs around her hips, sending a shiver across her tummy, and then swept his hands north, mimicking the shape of her bra, his fingertips stroking the bare skin swelling over top of the cups. “Mmmm. I like that too.”

“So you keep doing that, and let’s talk.”

“About what? It’s a challenge to think when you’re this close to me.”

“I want to have healthy relationships.”

“Do I look like Dr. Phil?” He slipped one bra strap off her shoulder, then the other. He left a trail of little kisses across her collarbone as he reached around behind her to do away with the undergarment completely. She gave a hitching little sigh when he sat back on his heels and pulled her up to straddle his lap. “Do you think I’m going to help you figure out how best to date other guys?” He thrust his hips hard against her and strummed across her nipples with his thumbs.

She swallowed hard. Two pink spots decorated her porcelain cheeks and her eyes dilated wide. “Why wouldn’t you?” she gasped, arching her breasts toward his mouth.

He growled and flipped her over, his body pressing between her legs. He reached between them and undid the button of her jeans. “That’s a good question,” he said, sliding the zipper open. “Why don’t you answer it while I make you come.”

She gasped and pushed on Kyle’s shoulders, wriggling out from underneath him. She held out a hand, as if to stop him from advancing again. “Wait,” she panted. “Just … stop for a second. This feels angry. Why does this feel angry?”
