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Inside the chapel, the clerk gave her a small bouquet of red roses and a boutonniere which she pinned to Kyle’s lapel. Hassan happily took her phone and snapped a few photos before promising to record the entire service.

“We forgot the hobos,” Kyle whispered as they walked to the front of the room. Laney had resolutely refused to have Elvis walk her down the aisle.

“Boo, and here I thought it was perfect.” Another thought occurred to her, this one tinged with regret that it didn’t come up sooner, and she paused midway up the aisle.

“What?” Kyle turned and looked at her with concern.

“We should call our mothers. And put this on speaker phone.”

“Are you sure?”

She nodded. “If you don’t mind…”

“I don’t mind.” He closed the gap between them and kissed her gently. “Whatever you want.”

“No.” She shook her head. “Whatever you want. Do you want this to just be the two of us?”

“And Hassan and Elvis, but not our mothers? I’d never live that down.”

She turned to get her phone back from Hassan, and he already had his out. “I’ll record on mine and email you the file.”

She squeezed his hand. “Thank you.”

In front of them, Elvis cleared his throat. “We just about ready here, folks? Love waits for no man, ya hear me?”

Kyle held up his hand, completely undeterred by the six and a half foot tall impersonator. “One more thing.” They dialed at the same time. Kyle laced his fingers into hers.

Claire answered first. “Laney, I’m just about head into town, can this wait?”

She laughed. “Not really. Kyle and I have some exciting news. We’ve eloped. Well, we’re eloping. Currently. And I thought you might want to listen to the service.”

In the dead silence that followed, she heard Kyle having a very similar conversation with his mother, but her reaction was louder and made him laugh.


“Delaney Calhoun, this is wonderful news.”

“Oh my god. Mom, are you crying?”

“Well of course I’m crying, you ninny! I thought you were going to be shacked up with Kyle forever!”

“Okay, well, that’s…good. Good. Okay. I’m going to put you on speaker phone now, and Elvis is going to—”

“Elvis? Goodness. Well—”

Laney hit speaker phone even as her mother continued to react and set the phone down on the front pew. Kyle did the same, then took her hands.

Elvis, who had apparently seen it all, shrugged and starting singing.

The service was short. A song, some jokes, and before she knew it, Elvis was tapping Kyle on the shoulder. “You going alone on this one, my man?”

No way in hell was he using Elvis’s words to marry Laney. “I’ve got this.”

She was shaking like a leaf, and he wanted to pull her close. Fuck it, this was his wedding. He did just that. “Sweetheart, this has been such a long time coming. But the waiting makes it even sweeter, I promise. And this is how we do things. Spontaneous. Surprising. A little weird. And together.”

She slid her hands up his chest and around his neck. “I love you,” she whispered.

“I promise I’ll never get tired of hearing that.”
