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So that’s exactly what Laney did. Jackie tweezed her eyebrows and applied flawless makeup, and only accepted payment for the tube of lipstick Laney took with her back to the room.

Kyle wasn’t there, but a quick glance at her phone told her it was just past one and they still had plenty of time. She hung up her dress in front of the window, then gleefully arranged her shoes underneath it and snapped a few pictures. She texted one to Evie. The response was swift. Are you going to call Mom? I mean, wheeee! And are you going to call Mom?

She should. She would. They could do that together, maybe, her and Kyle.

She dug through her suitcase. Lingerie was the one thing she hadn’t needed to buy today, because she’d had the set she wanted to wear for months now. Even if I dragged my feet, it wasn’t because I didn’t want this with every fibre of my being. Pale blue lace underwear, the same shade as the shoes, and a strapless bra, satin, with touch of the same lace between the cups.

The shoes taunted her from across the room. Nervously, she stepped into them, hoping that she wasn’t going to end up limping through their planned night of dinner and dancing. Just then, the door opened and she whirled around.

Kyle loomed in the doorway, and her entire being turned to liquid desire. “Oh, wow,” she breathed. He was wearing a black suit, fitted, with a white dress shirt and a skinny black tie. He’d gotten a haircut and a shave, and he looked slick. “You…look…oh, baby.”

He slowed to a stop and gave her a hungry once over. From the heavy eyelids and how he was biting his lower lip, she knew he liked what little she was wearing, too.

“Don’t even think of tackling me, mister. This took a lot of work.” She put an extra sway in her step as she moved toward the side table for her jewelry, relieved that the shoes worked. “Besides, you’re done. I’m still a work in progress.”

“I can’t imagine you improving on how you look right now, Lane.” He winked, then looked down at his suit. “So…you like?”

“I like how you look in a plaid shirt and jeans. This is something special.”

He blushed and that made him even hotter. “I called Liam. He talked me into flat front pants.”

“Yeah. We should buy you more of those.”

He held out his arms and she crossed the room, desperate for his touch but also aware of her careful makeup application. “The face,” she warned gently.

He nodded, stroking his hands down her arms and then back up her sides, growling ever so slightly as he cupped her breasts. Even through the satin, her nipples beaded at the ministrations of his thumbs. “I won’t touch your face,” he promised, dropping to his knees. He kissed his way down her sternum, and she held him against her for a moment before he pressed back up, leaving one last kiss at the apex of her neck and her shoulder. “I can’t wait to strip these off of you.”

“Me, too.” She licked her lips. “Help me cover them up first, though?”

He nodded.

Chapter 4

Kyle had apparently stopped at the concierge desk and arranged for a private town car for the rest of the day. Their driver, Hassan, was waiting for them outside and took them on a bit of a drive around the city on the way to the chapel. Laney had heard women talk about their wedding day passing in a blur but didn’t expect that to apply to her. The surreal feeling that they were really doing this took her completely by surprise. She wasn’t nervous, exactly. Her pulse was slow and steady, but crazy loud inside her head. Her hands were damp with perspiration and she was having trouble paying attention to the things Kyle pointed out as they whisked through the streets.

“Shouldn’t there be more traffic?” she blurted out, and the two men laughed.

“People are at work. I know the streets. You’re a bit distracted.” Hassan winked at her in the rear-view mirror.

“I am that,” she murmured.

Kyle picked up her hand and drew light circles on each of her knuckles. “I’m nervous as well.”

“It’s not nerves, exactly.”

He laughed. “Good, because I was totally lying.”

His laughter…yes, she needed more of that. “Tell me this is what you want. Me, forever.”

He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingers with sweet reverence. “Forever. You and me. Buddy, and maybe another fur ball to keep him company. Kids are entirely optional. I promise you are everything I want.”

She spun her hand around and cupped his jaw. “I adore you so much, Kyle Nixon. I have since high school, and I still can’t believe that we found our way back to each other.”

“Believe it, Laney. This is really happening.”

From the front seat, Hassan cleared his throat. “If you don’t mind me interjecting, it’s five to three. It’s really happening…right now.”

Feeling more centred and ready for anything, Laney smoothed her skirt as Kyle jogged around the car to help her out.
