Page 122 of Kisses Like Rain

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I duck. He misses, his arm cutting through the air. I land two hits on his stomach, making him fold double. He fists his hand in the front of my shirt and swings another punch on my jaw, knocking me sideways. I stumble into the desk, hitting the lamp and sending it crashing to the floor. I shake out my hand and crack my knuckles.

“You fucking failed to protect my sister,” he yells, storming at me. “You almost got her killed.”

He doesn’t see the fist that I smash into his face coming. I’m on him in a blink, grabbing the collar of his shirt and raising my arm to knock him out cold when a voice says from the door, “Stop it.”


Ryan and I freeze. We turn our faces toward the voice.

She stands in the door, supporting herself with a hand on the frame. Her face is so pale it looks as if she’s about to faint.

“Cut it out,” she says in a weak but angry voice. “Haven’t we had enough bloodshed this week?” She pins Ryan with a stare. “The men who attacked me kidnapped the kids to lure Angelo away from the house. There’s no way he could’ve known what they were planning. He did what he did because there was no other choice. He had to go after the kids. If it was Brad, wouldn’t you do the same?”

I let Ryan go. “Sabella.”

“No.” She locks her jaw in that obstinate way that says she’s not going to let this slide. “Answer me, Ryan.”

He untangles his fingers from my shirt and says grudgingly, “Yes.”

Her fiery gaze lands on me. “The two of you are going to get your testosterone under control and behave like civilized people under this roof.”

When she sways, I make my way over, but she stops me with a hand poised in the air.

“No more blaming and no more fighting.” She looks between us. “Do you think you can handle that?”

“Yes,” Ryan and I both say sulkily, but he looks as little sorry as I feel.

“Good.” She places a hand over her stomach. “If you behave like children, I’ll ground you and send you to your rooms.”

Fuck that. “You’re in pain.”

In two long strides, I’m in front of her. Ryan rushes over, reaching for her even as I lift her into my arms.

“You shouldn’t have gotten out of bed,” I chide.

“Yes, well, if it weren’t for the two of you, that’s where I would’ve been.”

Ryan follows on my heels as I carry her up the stairs.

“Call the doctor,” I say over my shoulder. “Heidi has the number.”

“I don’t need a doctor.” Sabella squirms in my arms. “It’s just a little pain from the walking.”

“Fuck, Bella.” Ryan runs to keep up. “I think Angelo is right. We better get the doctor out.”

She sounds tired. “I’ll be fine. Where are the kids?”

“Heidi took them to the kitchen,” I say.

She gives me an accusing look. “I hope they didn’t hear you fighting. The whole house probably did.”

I press a kiss on the top of her head. “Don’t worry about the kids. They’ll be fine.”

“This isn’t the right example to set for them.”

“We’ll talk about that later,” I say, shouldering open the door.

Sabella’s whole family is gathered in the bedroom. Margaret, Celeste, Matilde, Jared, and Doris glare at me. If looks could kill, I’d be dead ten times over.
