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“Yeah, that could probably work,” xe replied, quietly.


Finally, Jillian hopped down from the table and put their plates in the sink. When she turned to Lyle, xe was looking around her house with longing in xyr eyes. Xyr rare vulnerable moments always filled her with hope. Hope xe’d stay, hope xe’d fully open xemself up to her.

“Are you staying for the rest of the day?” She asked xem, trying not to let her yearning leak into her words. “I wanted to study some of my grandma’s old spells.”

Stay. Do it with me. Please.

“You’re inviting me to study the competition?” Xe playfully asked. “Count me in.”

Despite her resistance, her lips curved into a bright smile. She gently took xyr wrist, guiding xem to the library. Lyle smiled back, xyr expression filling the room with warmth.


play time

Leaning forward, with xyr arms on the backrest of the couch, Lyle read Jillian’s book from over her shoulder.

“I never understood why you need so many potions to make your spells work.”

“Our magic comes from nature,” she explained. “While we do have magic inside us, we can only do small magics with it. To harness it properly, we have to feed on nature in some ways.”

“Sounds like a hassle to me,” xe mumbled.

It could surely become a problem if, for example, a witch found themself in the middle of a dangerous situation with no defense. But generally speaking, Jillian loved the ability to prepare and create magic. After all, she loved all kind of crafty things.

After hours of reading her grandma’s spell books with her, Lyle became restless, probably bored. At first, xe kept sitting next to her, but with xyr eyes closed and xyr head leaning against the couch, talons tapping on the armrest. Seemingly not happy with that either, xe stretched and got up to walk back and forth around the library, coming back to read from behind Jillian’s shoulder from time to time.

“Does your body not tingle sitting there for so long?” Xe asked, tilting xyr head at her.

Jillian shrugged. “I don’t mind.” Noticing Lyle’s small grimace, she added, “you can go take a walk if you want, you don’t have to stay here with me. I will probably continue reading for a little while, then we can find another activity that you’ll also enjoy.”

Instead of doing what she suggested, Lyle turned and kept wandering around the room, passing a finger over the spines of the books as xe walked by them. In the corner of her eye, xe took a book off the shelf and flipped through the pages.

“I’ll let you read in peace,” xe prompted, slowly, “if you take a break for a little while.”

She looked up from her book at xem. The small smirk on xyr face was bad news, and when she glanced down at xyr hands holdingA Guide to Pleasure, she knew xyr mind had gone to a devious place.

“I found this little gem again,” xe announced, waving the book. “It actually seems like an interesting read.”

A grin pulled on her lips. “I can confirm.”

“Want to read this one together? I wouldn’t mind testing some of these things.”

Jillian carefully closed her book, then slowly made her way to Lyle, teasing xem by making xem wait for a reply. Xe seemed surprised when, instead of touching xem, she snatched the book from xyr hands.

“You’ve had your fun,” she said. “Now it’s my turn.”

She turned around, blocking xyr view of the book while she scrolled thought it. Xe tried to peek multiple times but Jillian moved accordingly, swiftly hiding the pages from xem.

“No peeking. I’m choosing.”

Finally, she landed on a page with a very interesting illustration. It already looked like it would be plenty fun, but Jillian realized it would be even better with a partner like Lyle. She closed the book with a loud noise.

“Lay down on the couch,” she ordered xem, smiling proudly.

Lyle frowned but still followed her instructions, laying down with xyr head against the armrest, patiently waiting for her. Xe studied every single movement as she closed the distance between them and gently tugged at xyr pants.
