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“Sometimes people prefer to have some privacy,” Jillian tried to reason with the old lady, smiling.

Mrs. Gibson then turned to the young woman. “Go on, ask.”

Ms. Williams looked at Mrs. Gibson, then at Jillian, clearly panicked.

“Mrs. Gibson, it was really nice of you to come by, but as you can see, I have work to do and a client waiting,” Jillian said, her tone dismissive. “We can chat another time.”

She opened her mouth in offense, but immediately closed it, grimacing at the witch. “Sure, we can talk another time.” Turning on her heels, she walked out of her shop.

“Thank you,” Ms. Williams quietly said, sighing in relief. “I met her while coming here and she wouldn’t leave me alone. I had no idea how to get rid of her.”

“Don’t worry about it. I know she can be a lot.” She waved her hand to brush it off. “What can I do for you?”

The woman’s eyes quickly darted from object to object around the shop. “I was wondering if… you had something that would help me change my body?”

That caught Jillian’s attention. “Change your body how?”

“Well, my current body is very… soft. Feminine.” She slowly explained, a hint of tremble in her voice. “I was wondering if there was something that would make my chest smaller and maybe make my features a little sharper. Maybe make my voice lower, too.”

“Like a man?” Jillian tried, felling like she knew exactly where the conversation was going.

Mr. Williams bit his lip. “Like a man.”

“I can have something ready for you tomorrow at noon, would that be alright?”

Mr. Williams’s eyes lit up. “Thank you!”

“It’s my job.” Jillian shrugged and smiled softly. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

“Yes! Thank you!”

They watched the young boy walk out of the shop, an excited skip to his steps. As soon as the door of the shop closed, a pair of lips brushed against Jillian’s neck.

“Not everyone in this town is an asshole, then,” Lyle said.

“What is with you and my neck?”

Xe kissed her again, as if to prove a point. “I just like it.”

Turning around, she leaned her back against the counter, looking up at the demon. “Are you going to behave or not?”

“Hm… I’m not sure,” xe said. “What’s in it for me if I do? And what’s my punishment if I don’t?”

She wrapped a hand around the back of xyr head and pulled Lyle closer, until her mouth was right by xyr ear. Softly, she whispered the options to xem. As soon as she was done speaking, xe grabbed her by the waist and picked her up.

“We’re going to the bedroom.Now,” xe announced.

Giggling as xe whisked her away, she made a gesture with her hand, locking the door of the shop and turning the sign to “closed”.

