Page 61 of Mafia Bosses

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Not once.

So, two, amazing lovers had sent me to orgasmic bliss. They had offered me so many incredible moments in bed that I wondered if our encounters were real, or just a figment of my imagination. However, both those men had vanished. Worse still, neither of them had had the decency to let me know why they weren’t interested in seeing me again.

Inevitably, I began wondering why history had repeated itself.

I started to think that, perhaps, I was doing something wrong. I was too nice to them. I had made this very easy for them. I shouldn’t have encouraged them so much. I should have played hard to get. But how was I supposed to do any of those things? It wasn’t like I met guys like Cesare and Leo every day.


Sinfully sexy.

In Cesare’s case? Dominant and tough.

In Leo’s? Loud, rough around the edges but with plenty of empathy and care.

If I could have gone back through time, I didn’t believe I would have changed much. I would still have gotten physical with them. I would have let them have their naughty way with me. That’s what I wanted, and that’s what they gave me.

The only thing I would have changed?

The “after” part.

I wouldn’t have been so casual about it. I would have demanded more. Some women spend their lives wondering if they could ever have mind-blowing sex. In that quest, they settle for mediocrity, hoping that it would get better along the way. They switch partners over and over again, but they don’t find that kind of connection with anyone. I had been lucky. I had found it twice in a few weeks, but then, I had been careless. I had let those two slip away, and I had no idea what to do to get even one of them back.

“Where are you, Piper? Because you sure aren’t here.”

Ava’s voice was a call back to reality. Her hand close to my face, I could make out the details of the silver ring around her middle finger.

“I’m sorry,” I said, taking my eyes off of her hand. “I’m a little distracted lately.”

“Please, pull yourself together, okay?” She requested, walking back to the door of the exam room. “Your first patient of the day is here.”

“Right,” I sighed, picking up the chart, catching the click-clacking of heels. “Sophie Parkinson. Twenty-six. Chest pain…?”

Baffled by the comment, I looked up at the patient in question. Her attire was rather strange. She had a black pencil skirt on, really high heels, and a white blouse. She also had a red scarf around her neck and wore shades. Her blonde, curly hair reached well past her chest.

“Is this right?” I asked, holding the chart out in front of her.

She didn’t speak. Instead, she raised her hand up to her head and dived her hand into her hair. She pulled it to the side, taking a mass of blonde hair with it. Below all that blondness, I noticed a dark-brown shade and a hair type I had seen so much of. She threw the wig back over the exam table and removed the shades, confirming my initial belief. This was Maggie Owens, my dear friend.

“Maggie!” I spoke, my voice coming out like a cheer. “It’s been so long! What’s with the disguise? You wanted to surprise me?”

“I wish,” she uttered, her voice monotonous. “How have you been, honey? Quite busy, I suppose.”

“Not busier than you,” I smiled. “How’s little Emily doing?”

“Busy with men,” she clarified. “Your love life is very rich these days. I’m not trying to pass on judgment here,” she declared, her hands up to her chest, palms facing me. “I’m the last person in the world to judge anyone’s love life. And Emily is doing just great. Thank you for asking.”

“You still haven’t told me why you had to disguise yourself to come see me,” I said, my voice dropping down an octave.

“I came here to warn you,” she added, softening her tone. “Those guys you’ve been seeing are aspiring mobsters. They’re fighting tooth and claw to enter that world. Very soon, they’ll be in a lot of trouble with the law. Trust me, Piper. You wouldn’t want to get caught in that mess.”

“Whoa! Hold on a minute,” I requested, feeling like she had banged a brick into my forehead with all that information. “I know they’re up to no good, but they’re actually trying to enter the mafia? How do you know that?”

“Yes, they are,” she affirmed with a nod. “You know I inherited a mobster’s fortune, Piper. It was easy for me to find out.”

“So, you’re in the mob, too?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

“Yes and no,” she said, squeezing her lips together. “I’m not running anything illegal. But, to keep myself and my family safe, I had to give something back to the mob. So, my associates are keeping an eye out for wannabe mobsters. The men you’ve been socializing with perfectly fit that description.”
