Page 27 of Puck the Holidays

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Despite the fact that there’s a seventy-eight percent chance that I’m falling in love with one of my best friends, December is going off like gangbusters. Hattie has been totally on board with everything holiday-related I’ve thrown at her, and I think deep down she’s desperate to have me succeed, to have December finally mean something more to her than hurt and anger and all around bullshit.

The look on her face when she’d been messing around on the ice with us after the Skating with Santa event had been priceless and I think that may have been the beginning of the end for me. Well, that, and when she’d almost kissed me in the hallway that last night at my place. I think my heart stopped beating for the span of an endless minute when she’d started to lean up towards me, her eyes burning, licking her lips softly as she stared at my own. She’d stopped herself at the last minute, and I’d played it off as if it wasn’t a big deal, but it had been like being within an inch of touching Heaven and being yanked back to earth. I can’t stop thinking about it, can’t stop wonderingwhat if…

So, even if I’m feeling...things, I’m not pursuing shit on that front, at least not yet. There’s still a twenty-two percent chance that it’ll pass, that it’s just a crush. A major one, but still just a crush. Wait, do adults get crushes? Is there an age-limit cut off for that term? Like once you’re past fifteen, they aren’t called crushes anymore? What are they then? Passing fancies?Oh my God, shut the fuck up, Shepherd.

I shake myself, stopping that stupid train of thought and focusing on the crowd. The whole team is on a float in one of the big Christmas parades in town, and it’s seriously a blast. We wave and toss out little goodie bags to the kids, a few of which even have tickets to an upcoming game hidden inside—Hattie’s idea of course.

“So, I might have done something stupid,” Rizzo says as he smiles and waves to the crowd.

“Might have?”

“Ok, so there’s no might about it. I slept with Nat. You know, Hattie’s assistant?”

I groan and elbow him hard in the ribs. He grunts but we both keep the smiles plastered on our faces.

“You fucking idiot.”

“I know, I know.” Despite being a shameless flirt with damn near everyone, Rizzo has never actually hooked up with anyone in the Vipers’ organization before. For lack of a better phrase, he knows better than to shit where he eats.


“And she told me it was a one-time thing,” he says, sounding…affronted?

I turn to him, brows furrowed in confusion. “Isn’t that exactly how you like it?”

“No, no, no, you aren’t listening.Shetoldmeit was a one off, not the other way around. When we were done, she got dressed, told me it was fun, kissed me, and then bolted.”

I laugh. “She pulled a Rizzo on you.”

“Yeah, she did. And fuck if it wasn’t…hot? I don’t know, man, maybe that’s not the right word, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her since. I’m desperate to get a round two. Like can barely enjoy my time with anyone else kind of desperate.” He runs a hand through his hair. “What is wrong with me?”

“A lot,” I answer, shaking my head, “a lot.”

We both laugh and then he grins widely, pointing at a little girl in a Vipers Jersey with a15on it—Rizzo’s number. “Hey! Someone give that girl two treat bags!”

“Maybe you’re just growing up,” I offer.

“I’ve done no such thing!” he says, looking aghast. “Balls. Farts. Boobies. See—no grown-ups here.”

“Imeanmaybe you’re just getting tired of the game. Maybe you’re ready for something more than one-night-stands from Puck Bunnies who just fawn over your abs or fame.”

“And chiseled jawline, don’t forget the chiseled jawline. And massive co—” He cuts off when I punch him in the stomach, letting out a smalloof.He laughs as he straightens, but then turns a bit more serious. “I don’t know…I’m not saying you’re right, but…maybe you’ve got a point.Maybe,” he emphasizes when I give him a knowing look. “But even if that’s the case, there’s no way that Nat will believe that I want more than just a hook up or fuck-buddies kind of thing.”

“Well, sounds like you’ve got some work to do then, my friend.” He groans and I grin, waving to the crowd.

I can finally see the sign for Town Tavern about a hundred yards further up the route—that’s where Hattie, Sara, Ollie, and her grandparents are all supposed to be watching from. Ollie has been talking about the parade for weeks and I know she was even more excited when Hattie said she would be watching with the family instead of being up on the float—though she’d been invited.

I spot them and wave enthusiastically, sticking my fingers in my mouth and whistling loudly. Ollie is on her grandpa’s shoulders and cheers wildly when she sees me. Orus, rather. When I told her that the float was a giant viper wearing a purple, teal, and black checkered scarf and matching hat, a big fangy grin on his face, she thought it sounded like the funniest thing in the world and couldn’t wait to see it.

Sara leans over and says something directly into Hattie’s ear, and Hattie throws her head back, laughing. God, she looks beautiful with her loose curls spilling out from beneath a Vipers beanie with a glittery black puff ball on the top, tight jeans, and dimples on full display.Fuck me.

Ollie snags a goodie bag out of the air when one of the guys tosses one her way, and waves it around her head wildly. She’s smiling so big that I can’t imagine how her cheeks don’t hurt. Hattie’s smile falters, her brows drawing down, and she glances around, up and down the side of the street they’re standing on, then scanning across the road around the floats. I wonder what that’s about, but she quickly seems to shake herself and smiles again as we move slowly past. I catch her gaze and wink, and she sticks out her tongue before cupping her hands over her mouth and cheering loudly. Soon, we’re on to the next section of the street, and I’m already thinking about when I’ll see her again.

Ok, so maybe it’s more like a ninety-percent chance that I’m falling in love with one of my best friends.

“Hey, uh, can you possibly help me out, man?”
