Page 80 of Vicious Heir

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“Hey, also, I’ve been meaning to ask you something, and you can totally say no if you want, especially being pregnant and everything, but it would mean a lot to me if you say yes…” Giana says as we reach the other side of the street just as theDo Not Crossstarts to flash on the pedestrian sign.

“Well, that’s ominous.” I smile as we walk, completely unsure of what she’s about to drop on me.

I feel Dom’s presence behind me as my phone vibrates in the pocket of my jeans.

“Dante and I are going to elope in New York City.”

I stop walking, and after Giana continues a couple feet, she must sense I’ve stopped. When she turns around toward me, my mouth is quite literally gaping open, and I start to tear up.

These pregnancy hormones are no joke.

“I don’t know why I’m about to cry,” I say with a laugh. “I mean, I definitely know. I’m so happy for you, Giana. And my hormones probably have a lot to do with it, but I really am so happy for you. If anyone deserves a happily ever after, it’s you. Congratulations.”

I pull her in for a hug as people sidestep us on the busy sidewalk.

Giana has been exceptionally kind to me from the moment I met her. And I’ve always thought of Dante as a good man. He has a solid head on his shoulders, so I know if he’s settling down with Giana after everything he’s been through, she’s a special woman.

I’ve also seen firsthand the love Niccolò has for his sister.

“It’s totally spur of the moment, but Dante and I have known for months that we’re going to do something small. This will be his second wedding, and I was engaged at one point too, and it left a sour taste in my mouth. The last time I was about to walk down the aisle, Dante and I went on a killing spree.”

She sets her mouth into a straight line and widens her eyes. “So we figured we’d elope. And I want my brothers there. I want Niccolò to be my witness. I have to talk to him about it, and I know the two of you aren’t like…a thing, right? Unless you’re both hiding something from me. I also know he wants you to be a thing. And I think you’re the best. I meant what I said at Romeo and Vittoria’s house that day. I really would love for us to be close.”

We make our way to the side of the walkway so we aren’t standing in everyone’s way, and I squeeze her as a tear rolls down her cheek.

“So all that to say, I’d really love for you and Niccolò to come with us to the city. I know Niccolò is planning on talking to the Fiore family out that way. Has he mentioned it? Dante told me about it. The Fiores are apparently a family who were neutral to both the DeSantises and Amatos, and now that Niccolò is the head of the family, he needs to go speak with the Fiores’ boss to set new terms.

“So why not just make a whole thing out of it? You and I can shop and have girl time while the guys have a meeting with the Fiores. I’m sure Dante wouldn’t mind catching up with some of them, and Niccolò will probably want to bring Matteo along, so we’ll all be out that way anyways.” She takes a long breath and looks at me with big, hopeful eyes.

How can I say no to her?

I can’t.

As much as jetting off to New York City, so close to where I was raised, is terrifying, I also don’t want to miss Giana’s wedding. Not when things seem to finally be going somewhat normal-ish for me.

If I can call living in a safe house with a man who bought me at an auction normal-ish…

“I would love to come, Giana,” I tell her, and she yelps with excitement as she encases me in her arms, causing me to stumble back a bit.

My phone vibrates again, and when Giana lets me go, I check my messages to find a kiss emoji from Niccolò waiting for me.



Our private plane is reserved for special circumstances and always has been.

This is a pretty fucking special circumstance if there ever was one.

My little sister is getting fucking married.

For real this time…

And multiple celebrations are actually occurring, because for the first time in over a decade, the Amatos and DeSantises are officially on good terms. It’s been a long fucking road, and I’ll continue repenting for Gabriel’s sins, but we’re on the same side now.

I’ve weeded out the men who plan to start their own family, and they’ll be a problem for another day because they aren’t going peacefully, but having the DeSantis crew on our side is going to provide a huge change for us.

And it means I’ll be in my sister’s life again.
