Page 102 of The Gentlemen's Club

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“No, no, no.”Chris tried to open the door as well, but it was locked.

On the other side, Ethan yelled “Now!” before the sounds of struggle took over.


Chris got out of the way a second before Jay smashed against the door with his shoulder. He grunted in pain, but the door didn’t budge. He smashed against it again with his other shoulder but got the same result.

A cry of pain came from inside the room alongside the sound of furniture breaking.

He’s going to kill him. He’s going to kill Ethan.

Chris raised the gun. “I’m shooting the lock.”

He began to squeeze the trigger when Jay said, “Wait,” and moved Chris aside. With an angry growl, he kicked the door. Chris didn’t know if his mind was playing tricks on him, but he could swear the hinges gave a soft creak. “I think it’s working. Try again.”

Two more kicks sent the door flying inward, alongside pieces of broken wood. Jay stormed into the room with Chris at his heels. Dima stood over unmoving Ethan, a broken table sprawling around them.

“Step away from him,” Jay said.

Dima made the mistake of glancing at a small dresser on the side of the room. He leaped toward it, but Jay met him halfway and tackled him down.

Chris shut the door and raised the gun, but there was too much movement on the floor, limbs swinging and bodies rolling. Luckily, it seemed that Jay was gaining the upper hand when he managed to climb on top of Dima, but before he could overpower him, Dima sent a nasty punch at Jay’s chin, snapping his head to the side. He pushed Jay away, and they continued to struggle. Jay fought like a wild beast, relentlessly pounding. Dima’s fighting was more calculated, doing less but hitting harder until he began to win. Chris was seconds away from either shooting Dima or facing him one-on-one. Not liking either option, he stepped closer to the two fighting men. When Jay managed to roll Dima on his back, Chris found his opening. He kicked the side of Dima’s head as hard as he could.

Dima looked at him with rage in his eyes, but those eyes became unfocused right before he passed out.

Jay stopped himself from landing another punch and rolled to his back, panting and bleeding from his nose. “Check... check on Ethan.”

Chris hurried to do so. A nasty red mark decorated Ethan’s upper cheek. The broken table was scattered all around his unmoving body.

“Ethan.” Chris shook him, then stopped for fear of causing more harm.This was such a stupid plan.He stroked Ethan’s cheek. “E, wake up. Come on, you're freaking me out.”

Ethan’s eyes twitched behind his eyelids, and a few seconds later, he blinked and looked up with a confused frown.

“You passed out,” Chris said as relief flooded him. “The door was locked, so we had to break in. Can you move your legs?”

Ethan nodded and blinked a few times to focus his sight. “Where’s Dima?”

“I knocked him out.”

Jay chuckled from the floor. “Fucker.”

Ethan managed a small smile. “My hero.”

“Where does it hurt?”

“Where I have skin, but I’ll be okay. Jay, you’re good?”

“Been better.”

Chris hurried to move over to Jay, whose nose was bleeding freely down the side of his face.

“Is it broken?” Jay asked, his eyes shut tight.

“Doesn’t look broken, but you’re bleeding a lot. Wait here.”

“Wasn’t planning on going dancing. You think they heard us downstairs?”

Chris watched the closed door. “Tobias would’ve been here already if he heard us. I think that Oscar made him put on the loud music.” He pushed the gun into his waistband and glanced around until he spotted a shirt that he could use for Jay’s bleeding. He grabbed it and rushed to the bathroom to soak it in water. His body finally began to stop trembling. This had gone terribly wrong, but they were one step closer to freeing Anthony.
