Page 106 of The Gentlemen's Club

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“Do you mind coming over to my place for dinner?” Chris asked. “Melissa’s been bugging me about inviting you guys for weeks.”

“Can we start a bit early so I can play with the twins?” Ethan asked.

“Yeah, sure.”

“Sounds good to me,” Anthony said.

Jay nodded. “See you where the rich people live.”

“Upper middle class,” Chris corrected.

They said their goodbyes and climbed into their cars. Sitting behind the wheel, with Jay in the passenger seat, Chris let out a long breath, wincing from the pain but thankful he was safe.

“Do we need to stop somewhere for your nose?” he asked Jay.

“What’s wrong with my nose?”

“Maybe stay away from mirrors for a while.”

“I’m fine. How’s your jaw?”

“Feels like a melon is growing underneath my skin, but I just want to get home.”

“Okay.” Jay cleared his throat. “I meant what I said earlier.”


Shadows covered his face when he looked at Chris, yet the intensity in his eyes shone through. “The monsters. Let me know if they show up again.”

Chris nodded. “Thank you, but I think I’m finally okay in that department.”

He started the car and drove away.


“They seem so cute together! I couldn’t stop gawking.”

Chris smiled. “Yeah, it was pretty embarrassing.”

Melissa elbowed him. “I’m allowed.”

They were washing the dishes now that Ethan, Anthony, and Jay had called it a night. The guys had stayed for over three hours, first entertaining the twins, then enjoying a meal together with Melissa who was over the moon about having them over. Back when she and Chris had started dating, Melissa had been close to being the fifth member of their group.

“But isn’t it a bit weird for you?” she asked and handed him the last plate.

“What is?”

“Ethan and Anthony. I mean, Ethan’s your bestie after all.”

Chris placed the dry plate on top of the others. “I’m a man. We don’t do besties.” And Ethan was much more than that.

“You know what I mean.”

Chris nodded. “It is a bit weird, but I love seeing them together. It’s good to know they both have someone.”

“Yeah, someone hot.”

