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“It’s because ofhim,I’m sure of it.”

“I know.” The writing on the wall was impossible to miss.

“Can we do something?” Anthony sounded scared. His business was just getting back on its feet, and as far as Chris knew, he didn’t have any savings to fall on. Not to mention signing new clients took time.

“I’ll fix it,” Chris said, trying to believe his own words. “I’ll keep you updated.”

“Thank you. Are you coming over later?”

“Yes. Try to see if you can sign new clients in the meantime. Make phone calls to anyone who might have a lead.”

“I’ll do that.”

They hung up, and Chris jumped to his feet. He had spent the last few hours being shocked, but now, he was fucking pissed. He hurried to the 36thfloor and walked down the long hallway. People greeted him hello, but he pretended not to hear. He didn’t have an appointment, but he wasn’t in a doing-things-by-the-numbers kind of mood. He was surprised to see the door to Mickey’s office open. As he leaned inside, he saw Mickey sitting with his back to him, watching the park outside.

Chris cleared his throat.

“Shut the door,” Mickey said without looking at him. “I’ve been expecting you.”

Of course he had. Chris shut the door and locked it.

“You’re upset,” Mickey said before Chris had a chance to speak. “You’ve come here to demand justice for you and your Italian bitch.” He turned around in his chair. “Have I got it right?”

“Yes, and he’s not my bitch.”

Mickey got up and walked around the desk. He leaned with his ass against it and crossed his arms. “If you’re only here to complain, you can save your breath and leave. I was clear about what I wanted. Anthony at the club, you there as well as his owner and my guest. None of those things should be difficult considering Anthony’s sexual preferences and your ambition.”

“He has the right to refuse.”

“And I have the right to make some phone calls and destroy his life.”

“You don’t have that right!”

“I have the means; therefore, it is my right. Same goes for your future in this firm. The world is painfully simple—don’t complicate it.”

With his back against the wall, there was only one solution Chris could think of. “I won’t pressure Anthony into going to the club, but I can go instead.”

Mickey raised an eyebrow.

“I’ll take his place.”

“Oh my, you foolish boy. You donotwant to be a toy for the same people who will work with you throughout your career. You won’t be able to look them in the eye after they’re done using you.”

Chris couldn't breathe properly. This was too much. Everything he’d worked for was crashing down around him. “I can’t force him.” His voice broke. “He’s my friend. I can’t—”

Mickey raised his hand. “I’m sure those baby blue can produce wonderful tears, but tears are just water with a touch of salt.”

Chris hurried to wipe his eyes.Control yourself.

Mickey went to sit on the couch. “Well, if you’re going to give yourself away, I should at least judge your quality.”


“Oh, for fuck’s sake. Take everything off. You have any idea how much money I could be making right now?”

Chris removed his clothes. The door was locked, and he didn’t believe someone could see him from outside. He remained naked, aware of Mickey’s eyes scanning him from top to bottom. He hated how familiar the feeling was.

“Turn around.”
