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“Global warming.” Jay looked around. “My place.”

Chris gave it another look. “I like it. Good lighting. Is it close to a subway?”

“Nope, otherwise the rent would’ve been higher. But I have my bike.”

“Makes sense. Anthony helped you out?”

Jay nodded and took a sip of beer. He liked German brands Chris rarely saw in bars. “We spent most of yesterday sweating in here. He helped set up my new closet and improve the water pressure. The pipes were dying until he showed them who’s boss.”

“Nice.” Chris drank from his bottle, wondering if anyone would hear him scream for help. It was the middle of the day, so the neighbors might not be home.

Jay snickered. “You’re freaking out.”

“I’m not.”

He took his leg off the table and leaned forward. “You’re in the lion’s den, and you’re about to say things that might make the lion angry.”

Chris swallowed, feeling cornered. This really had been a shitty idea to come here, although it wasn’t his idea—but the lion’s.

Jay placed the beer on the floor. “You spoke with Mickey.”

“Yes. It’s bad.”

“Okay, I’m listening. And no, I won’t hit you, and I’ll appreciate it if you stop looking at me like I’m about to.”

Chris forced his heart to settle down, but when did that ever work? With his voice somewhat steady, he told Jay what had gone down during his conversation with Mickey; from Mickey’s stupid plan to become mayor, to Tobias’s firm objection, and finally, about Chris and Anthony’s role in obtaining secret information against Tobias. He didn’t mention Mickey’s threat to snitch on Jay to his parole officer, hoping to keep that part a secret.

When Chris finished, Jay looked out the window for a long time, nibbling on his lower lip. Chris took another sip of water, then peeled the label from the bottle to occupy his hands.

Finally, Jay cleared his throat. “We can’t let Anthony get involved in this. You said that he and Tobias had a bad history. Did he hurt him?”

Chris shifted in his seat. He couldn’t get into that now, couldn’t relive it. “He hurt him, but I put a stop to it.”

Jay watched him closely, clearly sensing he wasn’t getting the full picture. Luckily, he let it go. “Can’t you go alone to Fire Island? No offense, but you’re likely better equipped to handle this.”


“I’m not being a dick.”

“Tobias won’t invite me to his house without Anthony, and even with Anthony, it’s a stretch.”

Jay scratched his bearded cheek. “You think Mickey will show your photos to Melissa if you tell him to piss off?”


Jay sighed. “Fuck.”

Chris knew where this was going, could see it like it had already happened. Jay would be sympathetic, but not enough to allow Anthony to be put in danger. Chris would just need to handle the mess that would likely cost him his marriage, maybe even his children. The fact that Jay was the one who had taken and posted those disgusting photos wasn’t relevant.

“Mickey knows your parole officer,” Chris said.

Jay’s expression moved from confusion to alert. “What?”

“He said he’d call your parole officer if we wouldn’t cooperate.”

“Can… can he prove anything?”

“You two texted, didn’t you? Did you use your real name? Your phone?”
