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The familiar voice slipped through his foggy thoughts. He forced his eyes to focus on the man approaching him. “Oh, hey.” Even through the dimness of the room, he could spot the worry on Chris’s face.

“Why the hell have you been ignoring my calls?”

It felt out of place to have this discussion while he hung from a sling with his legs spread, but Chris had seen him in any imaginable position.

“Ignoring? No, I’m not ignoring. Just been busy.”

Chris lowered his voice to an angry whisper. “Yeah, busy coming here almost every night without telling me, or hanging with Tobias like you two are a couple.”

“Are you jealous?” The question slipped out, and he regretted it immediately because it wasn’t like him to be nasty.

“Don’t be a jerk,” Chris said. “I’m worried about you.”

“I’m sorry. I know you are. I’m fine.”

“You’re high, Ant.You.This isn’t fine.” Chris rubbed his face. “It’s my fault. This place is too much for you.”

“It’s not. Don’t ruin it for me.” Panic grew in his chest. Could Chris prevent him from coming back to the club? There were weird rules that the members and toys were bound by; rules Anthony hadn’t bothered learning since he never felt like a regular toy.

“Relax, I’m not going to ruin anything.” Chris wiped the sweat from Anthony’s forehead. “I think it’s too much. You’re losing yourself.”

“Or maybe I found a better self. I’m happy with Tobias.”

“He’s not right for you. You deserve something real.”

“Like what you gave me?” This time he meant to hurt.

“It’s not about me. I clearly wasn’t good for you, but it doesn’t mean Tobias is.”

“You were good for me. You made me feel special, but Tobias makes me feel…” He was about to saylovedbut couldn’t verbalize the word since it felt too big to be spoken.

“Oh, there you are.” Tobias emerged from a dark corner, always quiet. “People are wondering where you disappeared to.” He placed his arm around Chris’s shoulders. “Entire conversations are at risk without your charm and wit.”

“I was looking for Anthony.”

“I see you found him.”

“He’s high.”

Tobias waved his hand dismissively. “Harmless cocktails. Nothing with any lingering side effects.”

“Are you sure?”

Tobias was getting angry; it was in the stiffness of his back and the way he raised his chin. “I would never risk Anthony, and I don’t appreciate the accusation.”

“I wasn’t—never mind. I’m out of here.”

Before Anthony could once more try to convince Chris that he was truly fine, Tobias moved to stand in the way.

“He’s upset,” Anthony said.

“He’ll get over it. Jealousy doesn't look good on him.”

“You think he’s jealous?”

“Of course. Are you two still having sex?”
