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The call ended and Chris put his phone down.

Jay leaned forward. “Well?”

Chris told them what Oscar had said, reciting every detail.

“It’s too easy,” Jay said. “Too convenient.”

“We still need to take down Dima on our own, and you saw that Oscar wasn’t involved in Tobias’s plan. He clearly wasn’t pleased about it.”

“He still might be sending us into a trap,” Ethan said.

“True, but I think he wouldn’t have mentioned the camera if he wanted us to get caught,” Chris said.

“There are too many holes in this plan.” Jay let out a long breath. “I should call the police and deal with whatever happens. They only have me on record hiding that equipment. I’ll say you weren’t involved.”

Before Chris could argue, Ethan said, “You’re not going back to prison, end of story. We have a plan, and it might be crazy, but we’re doing it together. If Chris believes Oscar, it’s good enough for me.”

Jay nodded and leaned back, clearly relieved. “Maybe we should wait a few hours, let them think we’re gone.”

Ethan shook his head. “I don’t want Anthony to stay there any longer than he has to.”

“If we get caught, he’ll stay there a lot longer.” Jay looked at Chris. “What do you think?”

“I see the logic in waiting, but Oscar might not be there later to help. If it really is a trap, we will fall into it either now or later. I say we go now and end this.”

Jay raised his hands in surrender. “Now it is. Anything else?”

“Yes,” Ethan said. “Give me the gun.”

“Why the hell for?”

“You’re on probation, and you could get caught trespassing with a loaded gun.”

Jay quietly asked, “Have you ever used a gun, E?”

“No. Have you?”

“I grew up blasting beer bottles in my backyard with a rifle half my size. I can shoot with my eyes closed.”

“But you’re not planning on shooting anyone, so it doesn’t matter.”

Before this could go any further, Chris said, “I agree that Jay shouldn’t be holding the gun, but if push comes to shove, Ethan will hesitate. Let me take it.”

Jay watched him closely. “And you won’t hesitate?”

“No.” He never shot someone, but for years, he had dreamed of shooting down the monsters who had hurt him. If there were no choice, hewouldfire that gun.

Jay nodded, not looking pleased. “Okay, but no funny business.”

“Thank you,” Ethan said, clearly relieved not to be the one carrying the gun. “God, I hope Oscar isn’t sending us into a trap.”

Chris stood up. “Even if he is, we didn’t tell him we have a gun.”


Chris was surprised to see how many plants were there behind Tobias’s house, creating a thick barricade and making it impossible to notice any hidden gate. The air smelled of damp soil and the ocean. Chris walked carefully, mindful of the gun tucked in thewaistbandof his pants.

“You sure there’s something there?” Jay whispered. His long hair constantly got tangled in branches, making him curse quietly.
