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For the first time, her warm brown eyes weren’t sparkling invitingly at him. They were flashing fire. He had the feeling he was about to hear an earful of British slang that would curl a proper Brit’s toenails. He didn’t like that he’d hurt her feelings, but this situation would not work out. It was better she knew now that he was cold and not interested in her as a woman. That always ticked women off, so he found it was easier to get it out right up front.

He should probably back toward the door. One glance at Joseph and Holly said he’d upset everybody now.

He was a soldier. A human weapon. A man of action. He was not a stay by the beautiful woman’s side type, or a bodyguard of appealing British blondes.

If he could only escape this situation and go find Thor or Greer or one of the Delta men. He’d love a good fist fight about now. Then he’d get back to the Air Force Academy and coerce some gung-ho, honored-to-meet-him pilot to fly him out of Colorado as soon as possible. He hated to let down Joseph and Holly, but they could find someone to do bodyguard duty for a gorgeous woman in danger. Most single warriors in the world would jump at the chance. Not him.

The dangerous part? Hooyah.

But being alone with a beautiful woman? Not acceptable.

* * *
