Page 14 of Wed to Jack Frost

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“Your wife has worked as a cook and cleaner in an inn, and even a stable girl in some rich shifter’s mansion,” Mother said with a satisfied smile. “She isn’t afraid of hard work and can command a space like a general! I don’t even know when she took the spoon out of my hand, bundled me into this chair, and took over. All I know is I like this girl. So, Jack. Better not mess it up, eh?”

“I’ll do my best.”

I drained my cup in a few big gulps and stood up to lay the table, squeezing Scarlett’s hip when I stood behind her to get the plates. She gave me a piercing look over her shoulder, and I went away feeling uncomfortably hot again.

Ole Frost and northern wind, let her glare at me like that when we fuck.

Soon, my father and brothers got home from work, and Ma took over in the kitchen while Scarlett shook everyone’s hands, a polite smile frozen onto her face. I could tell she was overwhelmed, squeezing hand after hand, offering her cheeks for my father to kiss, and receiving wishes of prosperity and good health.

Then, Ruslan and Ivo came in with their families, bearing gifts. Ivo’s wife, Tatiana, handed us a wrapped box, shooting me a saucy wink. “For the fur brushing tonight,” she said in a loud whisper, making me want to groan. I thanked her, and Scarlett’s smile grew fixed until it seemed more like a grimace than anything else.

Dinner was loud, with all of my rambunctious relatives gathered in the dining room, children diving under the table and squealing, tugging on our tails when they thought they could get away with it. It was madness, and as I sat by Scarlett’s side, I noticed patience draining out of her. Soon, her leg bounced under the table, and her answers to the questions everyone shot her way—Why did you apply to the temple? Do you know any fun knitting patterns? Can I braid your hair one day?—became more and more clipped as the evening wore on.

I took her hand and wrapped my tail around her shin, trying to give her support, and Scarlett leaned into me, lacing her fingers through mine. Finally, when most of the food was gone and my father went to the living room to smoke his pipe, it was time to break up the party.

“I’ll help,” Scarlett said when Ma started gathering the plates.

“Oh, pish! None of that, my dear,” my mother scolded her. “Go upstairs and I don’t want to see either of you until morning. Go on! Shoo!”

She grinned widely, and I just sighed, too tired by the day’s events to feel embarrassed about my whole family knowing exactly what me and Scarlett would do tonight. I took my snowdrop’s hand to lead her up the stairs when my mom halted us.

“Wait! Let me do a scrying.”

I rolled my eyes but didn’t protest because it would actually be useful to know beforehand. Scarlett looked confused, so I explained.

“Remember how I told you each Frost has a magic skill? My mother can tell whether a female is, uh, ready to conceive.”

Mom stood in front of Scarlett, took her both hands, and smiled, closing her eyes. Scarlett shivered, the magic coursing through her, and my mom’s smile fell slightly.

“Well, not tonight,” she said, patting Scarlett’s cheek. “But I’m sure that won’t stop you. Good night!”

She turned away with a chuckle, and I heaved a huge sigh of relief, perking up at the news. “It means you can’t get pregnant tonight,” I murmured, looking closely at Scarlett’s face. She relaxed, the lines of tension around her eyes fading away, and I squeezed her hand before ushering her upstairs.

So at least we felt the same way about this. It was a good sign. And as my cock perked up in its sheath, I realized I would have a much easier time getting—and keeping—it up when no vision of future offspring hung above my head.

“I want to shower first,” Scarlett said without preamble when the bedroom door closed behind us.

“Of course,” I said, nodding at the bathroom. “There are clean towels in the basket. Um… New toothbrushes should be over the sink. Use whatever you need.”

Her face softened, and she nodded gratefully before closing the bathroom door. I set about laying a fire in the fireplace, then looked around critically. When I noticed my pile of porn magazines sitting on the bookshelf, bold as brass, my eyes widened, and I hurried to hide them under the bed. Not the most ingenious hiding place, but it would do.

I had nothing against Scarlett knowing I liked raunchy kind of, uh, literature. But she might be spooked about the nature of the things that turned me on the most, and since I knew temple brides were supposed to be virgins, I thought she might use some… easing into things.

After getting rid of my porn, I lit a few candles and laid out the gift from Tatiana and the oil from the temple. It actually came with instructions, though they said exactly what the priestess had told me.

When the sound of running water in the bathroom cut off, I jumped, looking around frantically for anything else to tidy up. Icy gales, I was nervous. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so celibate in the last two years.

Scarlett emerged moments later, and my jaw grew slack when I saw she wasn’t wearing any clothes, just a towel wrapped around her torso. It barely covered her, and she didn’t seem timid at all. She stood straight and proud, staring at me with intent, determined eyes.

My cock throbbed, and I reminded myself I had to wash my feet, at least. Like most of our race, I washed my fur once a week, and it was still fresh, for which I was thankful. There would be no traditional brushing if my entire coat was wet after washing.

“I’ll, uh… Just get comfortable. I won’t be long,” I said, my voice dropping low in my growing arousal.

Scarlett just nodded and sat down on the bed, her long, slim legs gleaming golden in the firelight.

My little snowdrop was utterly mesmerizing, and for the first time today, I let myself completely surrender to the fact I was married.

Here she was, and she was mine.

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