Page 15 of Wed to Jack Frost

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Chapter 10


Tatiana had gotten us two beautiful brushes with carved wooden handles and natural bristles. One was bigger, evidently meant for Jack, and the other looked like a proper hairbrush. We hadn’t even met when she bought this gift, and she already knew I was human and what to get me. It was overwhelming.

The warm, completely accepting welcome I got from the Frost family was, frankly, mind-boggling. They behaved as if it was perfectly natural for Jack to marry a complete stranger of another race and bring her home. They treated me like a member of the family, even though they didn’t know me, and it made my heart beat painfully in my chest.

Somehow, it was all so much more than I had bargained for. So muchbetter.Or it would be, as soon as I got used to this and stopped getting the urge to cry every fucking minute. It was pathetic.

Jack emerged from the bathroom and zeroed in on me at once. His orange eyes flared with heat, and that made a pleasant warmth buzz in my belly. That felt so good, too. Somehow, despite his uncertainty and almost reluctance, I could tell he wanted me, at least physically.

No human man had ever looked at me like that.

And yet, I clutched my towel to myself, dreading the moment I’d have to let it fall. Because even if my hair was nice—my only womanly feature, as my mother said—the rest of me was quite boyish. I was long, lean, with small breasts and narrow hips. Definitelynota fertility goddess.

“Let’s sit in front of the fire,” Jack said in a low, raspy voice, pulling his towel off his hips. “I’ll brush your hair first.”

I didn’t answer, because I was busy staring. He had worn trousers today, so I expected there was something to hide in there… And the sight of nothing, just more fur, confused me.

I noticed a bulgy shape between his legs when I squinted, but still, it was all covered in his bluish-silver fur, long and slightly tangled. And wet. It looked like he washed it.

“You’ll see it soon enough, snowdrop,” he said, voice lowering into a pleasant rumble, and I jerked my eyes away, my face heating with embarrassment. “Come here.”

He sank down to the soft carpet in front of the fireplace, and I took the brushes and followed, my towel still tightly wrapped around me. Jack spread his legs open, sprawling on the carpet, with only his flicking tail giving any indication he might not be as relaxed as he seemed.

“Here,” he said, pointing at the ground between his legs. “Sit down.”

I exhaled, straightened my shoulders, and sat between his furry legs, my skin prickling from his proximity and the heat of his body. I tensed when he touched me, but Jack only stroked my hair, inhaling audibly.

“You smell really good,” he said, burying his face in my hair. “There’s something addictive to your scent. Something bewitching.”

I jerked when he ran his fingers through my hair, the tips running down my back, tugging the towel down. I gasped and held it to my front while my back was bared. Jack didn’t comment, just stroked my skin, which immediately broke out in gooseflesh.

I expected to feel sharp claws, but his nails were blunt. He must have filed them down, and that made me relax just a bit. Jack was considerate. That was a decidedly good quality in one’s first—and probably only—lover.

“Your skin is so soft,” he rumbled, running his fingers up my spine. “What a pretty thing you are, Scarlett.”

I couldn’t help it. I snorted, shooting him an angry look over my shoulder. “You don’t have to lie to me to soften me up. I’m here. We’re doing this.”

He paused, hands on my ribs, the span of his fingers so big, they could almost circle my torso when splayed open like that. “Lie to you?” he repeated, sounding confused. “I wouldn’t do that. Frost men never lie to their… their women. I think you’re really attractive. And I do have to soften you up, little snowdrop. It will hurt otherwise.”

That made me slump a little in defeat. I knew there would be pain and expected it. It seemed impossible to relax enough for this to be bearable, let alone pleasant. But it was fine. It had to happen, and I wouldn’t bail.

“You can try,” I said scathingly, making it clear I didn’t think he would manage.

Jack rumbled out a low laugh and ran his fingers through my hair again. “Do you know what it does to me when you speak like that?” he asked. “Let me show you.”

He gripped me under the armpits and yanked me back so I was flush against him, my lower back pressing into his crotch, his thick, furry thighs flanking me. I could immediately tell there was… something. A slick, hard length that was smooth and furless, pressing into my lower back and higher. When I pushed harder into it, just to test things, Jack gasped, and the hard slickness bucked against me.

“You said you’d show me,” I said, my mouth going dry as I tried to turn around, my belly flooding with equal parts warmth and dread. It seemed so impossibly big.

“Not yet,” Jack said with a chuckle, grabbing my shoulders to keep me from turning. “Come on, snowdrop. Brushing first. But you can sit close like this. Let it be proof and a reminder of how attractive I think you are.”

He gathered my hair and draped it over my shoulder, letting it fall down my front where I still held the towel in a white-knuckled grip. Jack didn’t say anything about it, and slowly, I loosened my fingers one by one, the heavy length at my back giving me courage.

If it truly were a gauge of how he felt about me, then at least I’d know. If his cock shriveled when I showed him my small tits, then I’d know.

The towel pooled in my lap, and Jack exhaled in a rush, his cock jerking so hard, it pushed me away for a moment. “Damn, snowdrop. A word of warning next time, or you’ll make me come all over your back.”
