Page 26 of Wed to Jack Frost

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Jack yawned, stretching like a big, furry cat, making a reluctant smile pull at my lips. He really was adorable.

“No. I can’t even get wood in the Yule. Only those who have essential jobs keep working. And the shopkeepers. Now, snowdrop. There is something very important we have to do. Right now.”

He looked at me, suddenly much more alert than just moments before. I blinked in surprise. “What?”

“You have to tell me I was very bad yesterday,” he said, his voice growing sultry as his tail quickly wrapped around my thigh, startling me.

“I… And then what?” I asked, my body waking up instantly, like it had just waited for a signal. I moved my hips, heat swirling in my belly.

“And then you have to demand I make it up to you.”

My pussy clenched with anticipation, and I licked my lips, which suddenly seemed too dry. “I really should do that,” I said after a moment when his tail slowly slithered higher up until it reached the junction of my thigh.

Jack looked at me expectantly, his eyes flaring with desire, and that feeling of power, which had dissipated the previous day when he avoided me, slowly seeped back into my bones. I could make him pay for that, because he clearly wanted it. And I wanted it, too.

I hadn’t been lonely yesterday, that wasn’t the problem. Jack’s sisters-in-law took me shopping, and I helped his mom with the chores. I had excellent company. And still, it hurt that he didn’t want to see me after our wedding night. After I opened myself to him more than to anyone before.

I glared at him, letting myself feel that anger and desolation again. Letting myself feel unwanted.

“You were so bad yesterday, Jack. The worst,” I practically growled, my voice coming out low and furious.

His manner changed at once. Playful and teasing before, Jack suddenly sat up, looking flustered and uncertain. But as he shoved the sheet off his lap, I saw his bulge twitch and then… And then his cock emerged out of the furry sheath, sliding out slick and long, making it clear he enjoyed it.

“You neglected me,” I said again, drawing confidence from the sight of his arousal. “Your behavior was abysmal. I’m really angry with you.”

He swallowed, his throat bobbing, eyes pleading. His tail had unwound from my thigh and swished behind him nervously. “I’m sorry,” he said, his cock twitching. “It will never happen again.”

“Do you think a simple sorry is enough?” I asked, crawling closer until I put my hands on his thighs, my fingers digging in. “Am I so cheap to you?”

“N-no,” Jack stammered when I dragged my nails through his fur up his thighs. “P-please. Tell me what to do. I will do anything.”

Well, that stumped me. I could have him doing all manner of humiliating things but that would give me no pleasure. Having no idea what to demand, I said, “I want you to make it up to me. Come up with something good, monster boy. Or you’ll regret it.”

Jack swallowed nervously but leaned closer, inhaling like he searched for my scent. “Will you let me eat you out? Can I make it up to you this way? Please, snowdrop,” he said, looking a tad more certain when my cheeks heated. This was still all new to me.

Oh. So this was the important thing he wanted to do. I blushed harder even as more warmth coursed through me, wetness pooling between my legs.

“Fine,” I said because it seemed like an excellent idea. My pussy throbbed from this little game. Then I remembered what he said last night. About how I could punish him for real. “But you can’t come. Only I get to do that.”

Jack’s eyes filled with even more lust. He practically panted as he nodded eagerly, sliding down to the floor to kneel by the bed.

“I just want to touch and taste you. Please. I’ll make you feel so good.”

I gasped, a hot shiver going up my spine. My huge, furry monster was down on his knees, begging me. “You’d better,” I said breathlessly, scrambling out of my soft pajama bottoms and lying back eagerly. Jack lost no time in spreading my knees wide open before he dove in, his tongue hot on my skin, gliding slowly over me like he savored this.

I reached down to grab one of his antlers, that grip giving me a semblance of control. But it was obvious he was the one on top now, making sweet bliss run through me until I couldn’t hold back my moans anymore. It felt good to give in, and yet, it wasn’t quite right.

“You’re so good at this,” I gasped out, remembering how he liked being praised. “Keep that up, and I’ll forgive you, furball. So good.”

He groaned, the sound muffled with his mouth pressed to me, hot tongue swirling around my clit. With the surge of control came more pleasure and I pushed my hips up, urging him to give me more, to go faster. Jack gripped my ass in both hands, holding it up, but didn’t change the pace. Impatiently, I swung my legs up to his shoulders, crossing my ankles on his back and pulling him closer. He still didn’t speed up, his tongue keeping a steady, tantalizing rhythm on my clit. It made me climb higher toward release and pissed me off at the same time. It wasn’t enough.

“Come on, faster!” I finally snarled, digging my heels into him.

Jack pulled back, smacking his lips, and shot me an innocent look from between my thighs. “You said to ‘keep that up’, snowdrop. I’m only doing what you told me. All I want is to obey you.”

I stared at him, annoyance mixing with awe, because he was definitely mouthing off, but he did it in a way I couldn’t reasonably object to. He was… he was challenging me. While on his knees. Doing exactly what I told him to.

“I see,” I said, desperately trying to gather my wits so I could come out on top without undermining my previous command. “Well then. Keep doingexactlywhat you’ve been doing, but if I don’t come within the next ten minutes, you’ll have to stop. And I will be very angry with you.”

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