Page 27 of Wed to Jack Frost

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That fake innocent look slid off his face, replaced by a frown and then a mild expression of dread. I was fairly certain I couldn’t come from the pace he had set, and Jack probably knew it, too. I checked the clock to note the time.

“I will do my best,” he said finally, leaning back down, and I bit my lip, taking pity on him and myself. His tail swished with agitation, drawing my eye, and I relented.

“You can use your tail, too,” I said as Jack’s mouth wrapped around my clit, his tongue stroking me lazily.

I had barely said that when his tail shot to me, plunging deep in my pussy to stroke me from within. Jack’s pace didn’t change, but with the added friction inside me, things moved along again. Especially when the tail pressed to a spot not too deep that felt really good, making me gasp as a jolt of pleasure ran up my spine.

“There, huh?” Jack murmured, immediately licking me again. His tail focused on that spot with surprising precision, rubbing and flicking until I was a shaking, whimpering mess, writhing under the onslaught of hot bliss.

Jack obeyed my words to the letter, never changing the slow pace on my clit, but his clever tail worked me faster and harder, and that, coupled with the hot, wet friction of his tongue, finally made me shatter. He held my hips in a steely grip through my orgasm, still licking and fucking me with his tail until I slumped back, sweaty and boneless.

I just had enough wits about me to glance at the clock. “You… You made it in time. Well done. You’re forgiven.”

“Forgiven enough to come, too?” he purred, looming above me with a sly grin. “Please, snowdrop. You won’t have to do anything, and it won’t take long. You make me so hard. I’d love to come on your tits again.”

I wanted to laugh, loose and relaxed, but his insolence couldn’t be rewarded. Somehow, I knew Jack didn’t want me to give in. Not truly. He pushed, and I had to push back, so I lifted a stern brow and forced the budding smile back.

“Are you testing me, monster boy?” I asked quietly, making him gulp. “I’m not going to change my mind. I can, however, forbid you to come until tomorrow.”

Movement below caught my eye, Jack’s leaking cock twitching. He groaned and flopped down on the bed next to me, but when he turned to face me, he grinned. “Damn, you’re a natural. Fine. I won’t touch myself. Not even a little bit. I might need a cold shower for this to go down so I can be presentable, though.”

“You do that,” I said, keeping my voice strict. “And don’t test me again.”

Jack grinned, his tail winding up my thigh, the still wet tip stroking my skin. “Oh, I will test you. But you can deal with me. You’re the best.”

He leaned in to kiss my cheek and bounded off to the bathroom, while I floated on a little cloud of happiness, feeling relaxed and wonderfully cherished. After such a glorious beginning, this day could only get better.

Chapter 17


Iloved the Yule Lads’ Parade. All our neighbors poured out into the streets, wearing their best clothes. They waved small flags, the kids darting to and fro and laughing when adults jokingly tried to catch them. Even the sun peeked out from behind leaden clouds to make the snowflakes glitter beautifully as they floated down, dusting our fur and clothes.

Scarlett stood in front of me, right in the first row, bouncing on her feet. She was excited and kept shooting me happy looks, her face stretched in a smile. My entire family was out, lining the sidewalk in front of our part of the street, and Ma stood by Scarlett, leaning down from time to time to talk to her.

They seemed to be fast friends already, even though Scarlett kept calling my mother “ma’am”. But they joked and laughed together, and Ma fussed with Scarlett’s scarf and hat, straightening them until Scarlett’s cheeks were pink with embarrassment and pleasure, her eyes growing misty for a moment there.

When Ivo tried to talk to her, she was much more reserved, though still polite. I wondered, not for the first time since last night, what human men had done to Scarlett to make her so wary. It must have been awful, that was certain. But I was hopeful she would heal with us. I wouldn’t let anyone hurt her, and my family treated her as their own.

We were always accepting of Frost spouses, welcoming them to the family without reservations. I already saw the effect it had on Scarlett. She was more relaxed, smiling more, sometimes turning to tug me down to say something.

Though maybe me eating her out this morning contributed to her great mood. I’d be happy to do it every morning if it meant I got to see her smiling so much. Even if that meant I went without my own release.

Scarlett turned again, beckoning for me to lower my head so we could talk despite the chaos of excited voices. Her scent wafted up to me, warm in the chilly air. I shifted uncomfortably as lust stirred in my belly. Gods, I was insatiable.

“What’s that smell?” she asked when I bent closer. “It’s like… sweet and smoky at once.”

I glanced down the street, where Bivar stood with his cart of hot caramelized nuts. A short queue had already formed, and he gave out paper cones filled with the hot snack.

“Sugared nuts,” I answered. “Do you want some?”

Before she could answer, a loud cheer came down from the main square, letting me know the Yule lads had been sighted. We had minutes to go before the parade would reach our street.

“I do, but we can get them later,” she answered, bouncing excitedly. “Are they coming?”

I gave her a quick peck on the cheek. A little bubble of happiness rose in my chest that I had a right to do that. “They’ll be here soon. I’ll get you the nuts, though. They are best when hot.”

She nodded gratefully, craning her neck to look up the winding street. I squeezed her shoulder and made my way through the throng to Bivar’s stall. A few people were in line, but he served them quickly. My turn came just as excited shouts and cheers let me know the parade had entered our street.
