Page 33 of Wed to Jack Frost

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As I watched his anxious, sincere face, the specter of my father slowly dissipated, my body growing warm with relief. Jack wasn’t like him, then. Of course he wasn’t.

“Why is it shameful?” I snorted. “I’m an adult. I’m pretty sure I can decide for myself.”

“You shouldn’t have to,” Jack muttered. “Making decisions is a burden. You have to bear the responsibility for the outcome and shoulder the consequences if your decision is wrong.”

I stared at him, taken aback, until my mouth fell open in realization. “Oooooh. So that’s why you like it when I boss you around. You hate being in charge.”

“Doesn’t everyone?” Jack muttered, shrugging with one shoulder.

Gods, he really believed that. My mouth stretched in a wide grin as I reached up to scratch under his chin. He jerked, frowning in surprise, and I laughed under my breath. “My sweet, adorable furball,” I said, looking into his fiery eyes. “You have no fucking idea how wrong you are.”

He snarled softly, eyes narrowing. “Really?”

“Really.” I knelt by his side so I could reach his face with both hands, burying my fingers in the fur on his jaw. I scratched until his expression softened, a quiet, reluctant purr rumbling in his chest.

“Because I love telling people what to do,” I said softly, looking into his eyes as he melted under my touch. “I’m often right, too, and when I’m wrong, I lose no time in fixing things. I don’t think it’s a burden at all. In fact, I’d rather be in charge because I don’t trust other people to make the right choices. No offense.”

His eyes dimmed in pleasure, and suddenly, his tail was around my waist and Jack fell back on the bed, pulling me closer. I leaned over him, still scratching under his chin.

“You were ready to take off up the mountain just now, though,” he said, but he was much more relaxed, and it came out playful. “Are you sure you’re so good at making the right choices?”

“Once I have all the facts,” I said, tugging a bit on his fur in punishment for getting cheeky. He yelped, but his eyes flared with want. “If you kindly explain the best ways to make this trip safe, I’ll be able to make the right decision. Maybe I’ll decide we shouldn’t go.”

I shrugged while Jack gazed at me, his mouth falling open on a gasp when I scratched behind his ears next. “I… We can do that. I will tell you everything you want to know.”

“It’s easier, right?” I murmured, leaning closer so I could bury my face in the soft fur in the crook of his neck. “When all you have to do is answer my questions?”

“Yes,” he breathed, his purr growing louder. “But if… If you want to have a productive conversation, you should stop scratching me. It’s very distracting.”

“Oh no,” I said with a grin, dragging my nails down his chest in search of his nipples. When I found one, I pinched it lightly, making Jack twitch as his eyes shot wide open. “We’ll talk tomorrow. And since we won’t be able to sleep, anyway, I have another idea.”

His chest rose and fell fast under my hands, his pupils widening, and soon, I spied movement between his legs as his furry sheath thickened. “W-what idea?” he asked breathlessly, making me smile as I stroked his cheek.

“Someone has been very, very bad,” I whispered in his ear, smiling at his sharp intake of breath. “You made me very angry, furball. And I think you deserve to get your ass paddled hard.”

I moved back to watch his reaction. He had told me about the paddle thing and seemed very eager for me to use it, but that was yesterday. A lot had happened since then.

So when Jack moaned hoarsely and nodded, I let out a pleased sigh. Suddenly, I was excited. The fact I could channel my anger into something he would enjoy, satisfying us both, made me buzz with eagerness.

“Yes, please,” he said, looking at me with pleading eyes. “Punish me. I deserve it.”

“You do,” I said, stroking his cheek gently. “I have to teach you not to ever speak like that to me again, monster boy.”

“I won’t,” he said at once, his hands flexing. “I’ll be good, I promise.”

“I believe you,” I said easily, my insides thrumming with pleasure even the constant yowling couldn’t mar. “But we have to make sure the lesson sticks. Show me where you keep your toys.”

Jack hurried out of bed, moving quickly in his eagerness to obey. I followed him to the wardrobe, watching as he reached inside, making something click. A part of the back wall swung out like a small door.

“A hidden compartment?” I asked, impressed. “Wow, it’s incredible. Did you make it?”

“I did,” Jack nodded, his tail twitching. “I, uh, didn’t want to leave these things lying around.”

I was curious what else he had in there, but when he pulled out a nice, hefty wooden paddle with a wide flat side and a handle wrapped tightly in leather straps, I stopped caring about his other toys.

He offered it to me, handle first, and my chest swelled with affection so hot, it almost choked me. There was absolute trust in his eyes, and even though his throat bobbed anxiously, I saw how excited he was.

“Teach me my lesson,” he said in a low, raspy voice, making hot tingles course up my back.
