Page 34 of Wed to Jack Frost

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But when I took the paddle and he dropped to his hands and knees, offering me his backside, I shook my head.

“Wait. We have to talk about this first.”

Chapter 21


Ilooked at her over my shoulder. She weighed the paddle in her hand, chewing on her lower lip with a worried frown. I understood. She didn’t want to hurt me, but gods, I needed this so much. I wanted the peace of being at her mercy. I’d gone so long without it, but even in the past, this had never been truly satisfying. Most women I’d been with only indulged me with reluctance.

And maybe Scarlett wouldn’t pull it off, either, or maybe it was too early for her. But I hoped like hell she could do it. For her sake and mine.

“My fur will cushion the blows,” I said calmly, turning to her. “Also, you’re human. You’re not strong enough to really hurt me. And if you do something I don’t like, I’ll say “fish”, alright? If I say that word, you’ll know it’s too much and you’ll stop.”

Her eyes glittered as she cocked her head to the side, assessing me. Firelight played in her golden hair, making my insides twist with want. Gods, she was beautiful. The way her fingers tightened on the paddle, slim but strong, made my cock slide out eagerly. Even the constant yammering outside didn’t distract me from the glorious sight.

“You want me to hit you hard, then?” she asked. There was no judgment in her voice, only curiosity, and a tight knot inside me loosened. I hadn’t even realized how I dreaded her judging me. “And I can do what I want until you say “fish”?”

A tingle of unease squirmed in my gut, and I shivered. “Well, yes, but… I mean, within reason.”

She gave me a slow, hungry smile, and my stomach bottomed out as she walked closer and slowly trailed the paddle down my spine to the base of my tail. “Don’t worry, Jack. I’ll take care of you,” she said softly, making me shake.

Icy gales. She’s it. She’s really it.

She slowly walked around me, hitting the paddle against her open palm. I tracked her prowling movements until she put her bare foot on my nape, forcing my head down. “You’re only allowed to look at the floor.”

I bit back a whimper, my slick cock bucking in the air. Reindeer’s ass, it was happening.

This time, when Scarlett walked around me, the side of her leg brushing against my fur, I stared hard at the floor. Not being able to see what she did made my nerves flare up and all my senses sharpen. I listened to the gentle swishing of her skirts, the slap of the paddle against her hand, and even the yowling became distant as my focus sharpened.

When I drew in her scent, delicious and aroused, I couldn’t hold back a moan. She liked it, too.

I yelped when she dropped the paddle and caught my tail, grasping it at the base. Her tight fist slid down its length to the very tip. Most of my tail wasn’t really sensitive, but the way she held it, limiting its natural, instinctive movement, made my blood pound faster.

“Such a bundle of nerves,” she crooned, stroking my tail as it tried to swish anxiously. “Are you nervous, Jack?”

“Yes,” I said at once, my voice hoarse.

“Mmm. What makes you so nervous? You know I won’t really hurt you.”

I swallowed, wincing when my tail tried to slash to the side and Scarlett gripped it harder. Somehow, being deprived of that outlet for my emotions, I felt everything more keenly. “I know. But I don’t know when you’ll strike. Anticipation makes me nervous.”

“Is that so? Well, I’ll let you suffer a bit more. After all, you’ve been very bad.”

She ran her fingers up to the base of my tail and stroked the place where it met my lower back, just over my ass. I fought to suppress a twitch, hoping she wouldn’t discover how sensitive the underside was, but failed. Her fingers stilled, and then she gently stroked all over the area until her fingertips dipped under my tail, touching the patch of skin just at the top of my ass crack.

“Ah!” I cried, bucking into her hand, my balls tingling from the sensation.

“Here?” Scarlett said, her voice smug. “What is it, puppy? Does it tickle?”

She ran her fingers over that spot again, and I jerked from her touch, my cock dripping precum onto the floor. “N-not tickle,” I bit out. “It’s just sensitive.”

“Does it feel good, then?” she asked, and I groaned as she stroked, making my hips flex helplessly, my asshole clenching. It wasn’t enough, and it just made my cock ache from being so hard yet without stimulation.

“Please,” I begged her, writhing but doing my best to keep my eyes on the floor like she ordered. “Please, t-touch me.”

“I am touching you,” she said with a low laugh. “Or do you want me to touch you somewhere else?”

“Yes!” I bit out. “Please, touch my c-cock.”

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