Page 36 of Wed to Jack Frost

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“F-fuck,” I mumbled, barely managing to stand up. I lurched to the side, and Scarlett caught my hand, leading me to the bed.

“Come on, Jack,” she said softly. “Here.”

I collapsed on the mattress, shaking, and she climbed in, too, putting her arms around me. I pressed my nose to her hair and breathed in, slowly calming down until the tremors subsided. Scarlett gently scratched the fur on my nape, murmuring praise as I lay in her arms.

“Such a good, obedient puppy,” she whispered, making my heart swell painfully. “You did so well. Rest now, my darling. You did enough. You were very good.”

Even the loud yammering outside didn’t stop me from falling asleep, relaxed and without a worry in my head. Before I drifted away, I just felt Scarlett slipping out of bed.

Chapter 22


It was official. Getting cum out of the carpet was no fun at all. And yet, I couldn’t stop smiling widely as I worked, reliving the memories of Jack begging and trembling. The helpless squirming of his tail under my foot made me thrum with pleasure while his stammering, choked up voice filled me with a sense of power.

I loved it, all of it. I was already thinking about other things I could do. Maybe not necessarily to punish him, but to reduce him to such a delightful, shaking mess again.

But first, we had to deal with the freaking curse. I tightened my lips in anger, thinking about the obnoxious Yule lads who thought they had the right to curse people on a whim. Once I went up that mountain to dip in their precious lake, I’d keep going to their settlement so I could give them a piece of my mind.

Or pee in their shoes.

Jack let out a loud snore, and I looked over at the bed, sighing. It was already getting light, and I could see fluffy snow falling thickly behind the window. I promised to be reasonable and hear him out, which meant we couldn’t set out at once. Also, there was a small possibility that Jack might convince me not to go at all.

I shook my head, getting up from where I knelt on the floor. The carpet was clean, so I tidied up, took a quick shower, and climbed into bed. Jack snorted lightly and gathered me closer, putting his arm around me. I pressed my head to the pillow, breathing in his warm scent, and tried to ignore the horrible yowling.

It was no use, though, and I couldn’t sleep. I tried to lie still despite my growing irritation, but it was for nothing. And when Jack woke up half an hour later, instantly informing me the weather was too dangerous for setting out up the mountain, my mood soured completely.

“What if I went to live somewhere else?” I asked. “At least then your family wouldn’t have to suffer.”

Jack grunted, stretching as his tail wrapped around my thigh. “We own a small cabin in the forest. It’s where we keep hunting supplies and the like. But it’s still a long walk up the mountain in winter. If we go there, we might as well go to the lake.”

“And when will that be?” I asked, gritting my teeth when an especially grating yowl came from outside.

Jack stared at the sky for a moment before shaking his head. “Not today, that’s for sure. Likely not even tomorrow. This kind of snow has to settle after it stops falling.”

He watched me warily, like he expected me to demand we set out right now. And yes, I wanted to. I hated sitting on my hands and doing nothing but it would be stupid to disregard Jack’s advice.

“Fine. We’ll wait until it’s safe to go.”

He gave me a tired yet very handsome smile and hugged me from behind, bending over me to put his arms around my chest. “We’ll find some ways to pass the time,” he murmured in my ear, making me soften. “Did I tell you how magnificent you were yesterday? You are everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman.”

I snorted with laughter even though his words gave me sweet, fluttery joy. “Glad I could help,” I said, turning to capture his mouth in a kiss. Our lips met, Jack bent low to let me reach him, but before I could get lost in the pleasure of our tongues pressing together, another loud yowl came from outside.

We both froze, and then Jack pulled back with a chuckle. “At least they seem to be quieter now. At night, it was just constant noise.”

He was right. The yowls, completely incessant before, became disjointed, short bursts of quiet between them. “Do you think they’ll die?” I asked, unease curling up my spine. “Because all they do is make noise. Do they even stop to drink or sleep? Can they?”

Jack’s lips pressed into a thin line, and he opened the window without a warning, letting in a blast of cold air. I shrieked and stumbled back, hugging myself while he stuck his head outside.

“There are fewer now,” he said once he closed the window. “I think some went away to rest. They will be fine.”

“That just means they’ll probably gather their strength for another night of torturing us,” I said with a frustrated sigh. “Ugh, let’s just get dressed. See if anyone slept at all.”

Jack’s mother already waited downstairs with a huge pot of spicy oatmeal on the stove. She took one look at us, shook her head, and put the kettle on. “Sit down. Get some tea in you and you’ll feel better. Scarlett, no sneaking out to draw the cats away. You’re staying in the house unless Jack goes with you. You’ll be safe with him.”

Jack’s mom forbidding me from anything wasn’t even half as bad as when Jack did it. I nodded, pulling back a chair with too much force, and muttered, “Yes, ma’am. I won’t sneak out in secret.”

After breakfast, Jack tested out the cats’ behavior to see if they were violent. He reported they were docile, so he took me out with him next, getting a big, heavy umbrella from a stand by the door to protect me if necessary.

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