Page 37 of Wed to Jack Frost

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But the cats didn’t try anything. They simply followed a few steps behind me, like a personal, very loud entourage. That made Jack sigh with relief, because it meant the cursed animals wouldn’t try to trip us up when we went to the lake. He then disappeared in his workshop, but not before he gave me a kiss and promised not to be too long.

I helped Jack’s mom with anything I could, but after some cooking and baking, she shooed me away to get a nap. I was too wired for that, so I just ended up pacing the room, glancing at the window every thirty seconds to see if the weather changed.

Finally, I lay down by the fireplace on my side, curling up on the carpet. Sleep still wouldn’t come, and the broken, rarer yowls were almost as bad as the continuous noise from the night. Every time I was lulled into a moment of blissful silence, it was cut off by another desperate cat noise.

It got me annoyed and riled up, and I rolled around on the floor, kicking and punching air in an effort to get some of my anger out. It didn’t help, but when I rolled to my other side, my eyes landed on something under the bed. I squinted, thinking it looked like a stack of notebooks or something similar. Curious and too irate to care about invading Jack’s privacy, I got the stack from under the bed, my eyes going wide when I saw what it was.

Finally distracted from the dismal situation, I settled down for some light reading.

Chapter 23


Scarlett was reading my porn. Well,readingwasn’t the right word, seeing as there was little text. Scarlett was looking at my porn, and with avid interest at that.

I quickly stepped inside and closed the bedroom door behind me. She looked up, her cheeks flushed, eyes bright despite the sleepless night and the yammering outside.

“I see… I see you found something to pass the time,” I said, watching her warily. She didn’t seem disgusted or angry but I still wasn’t sure how she would react. Some women got weird about men perusing porn, which was fair, I supposed, but it wasn’t like I’d gotten my collection after meeting her. I was pretty sure some of the oldest mags predated Scarlett’s birth.

Which was an unsettling thought.

“Come over here,” she said, moving some of the mags that were strewn around her to make space for me on the floor. “You have to explain some of these things to me.”

My heart thudded in my chest as I sat down by her side, drawing in a deep breath as was quickly becoming my habit. I just needed to smell her after any period of separation. With Scarlett’s delicious scent in my nose, I could relax and look at the magazine that lay open in her lap, instantly cringing.

“You went right for the hardcore stuff,” I muttered, cheeks getting hot under my fur.

Scarlett looked up and when she saw my expression, her face grew mischievous with a smirk. “Tell me what’s happening here and if this is something you want to do. Because it looks strange, but also—kind of fun.”

I glanced down at the page showing a big, detailed painting of a milking scene. A large, naked orc was chained to a wall, wearing a blissful expression, and an orc female dressed in black leather was pumping his engorged cock with a muscular arm, holding a large, half full glass under the leaking tip.

“I don’t think I’d necessarily like this particular scenario,” I said cautiously. “It’s called, uh, milking.”

“Milking,” Scarlett repeated with a snort. “Okay, I see why. And he enjoys it?”

“Yes,” I said instantly, a pleasant tingle running up my spine. “I mean, he’s probably oversensitive, because she made him come and then didn’t stop. She basically wants to get as much out of him as she can and doesn’t care that it hurts him for some time after an orgasm.”

“And he likes it?” Scarlett asked softly, looking back at the page. “The pain?”

“I suppose,” I said. “Though he might just endure it for the sake of the pleasure. I think he mostly enjoys being passive. She does all the work.”

Scarlett hummed, tracing the line of the female’s thick thigh. “She looks strong. Powerful. And I assume she enjoys this, too?”

I was silent for a moment, looking down at her face. Her blush grew deeper, though she didn’t seem embarrassed. Ole Frost only knew how long she’d rifled through my porn, getting used to the pervy pictures.

“Why don’t you tell me?” I asked, watching her closely. “Does she enjoy it?”

Scarlett inhaled sharply and glanced at me before looking back at the painted image. “Yes,” she murmured. “She’s into it.”

“What does she enjoy the most?” I asked and held my breath, sensing that we weren’t talking just about the scene.

“The control,” Scarlett said, now touching the chains in the picture. “She can do anything to him. But I don’t imagine she wants to cause him real pain. She doesn’t want to hurt him. Just—show him who’s the boss. Which is why she does this.”

She turned the page to show me the next image continuing the scene, in which the glass was now full, and the orc female pressed it to the male’s lips, making him guzzle it down. Cum spilled down his chin and chest, and his cock was still hard, looking swollen and too sensitive.

“Yes,” I said, my throat growing hot with arousal as my cock throbbed, still tucked away but getting ready to slide free. “She humiliates him like this. And he loves it.”

“Is this something you’d like to do?” Scarlett asked mildly, quirking an eyebrow at me. “Not the milking. This.”
