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I take my seat, and Mr. Tate starts reading from his book again.To Kill a Mockingbird, I remember it because we read it last year at my old school. I find myself staring at the back of their heads, knowing they are so close but yet still seem out of reach. For a split second, I look down at my desk before my eyes shoot up when I hear someone yell, “FUCK ME! NO FUCKING WAY.” That’s when I saw my two guys and their hot-as-sin friend turn around, staring right at me.



Isawhertodaywalking inside her new school, my little canary. There she was in those tight leggings I used to love to slip my fingers through. Her hair had grown since the last time I saw her and I imagined the smell of strawberries and vanilla filling my senses as I took a big inhale. We will be together again soon and no one will take you away from me this time.



Iwakeup,justas I do every morning since school went back in session, with my alarm clock blaring in my ear. It was another long night with the guys at the gym. We’ve been working out two times a day ever since mid-summer and we can’t back off now. Our game needs to be on point. With scouts making their picks here soon, some of us need the scholarships more than others to get out of this shit hole.

I quickly throw on a tank and a pair of shorts, slip my feet into my Nike’s, and make my way down to the kitchen to prepare my morning pre-workout before I head over to the gym and meet my brothers.

My deadbeat dad snores loudly in the recliner. Emptied beer cans litter around his chair, and the television blares some infomercial about the towel to end all towels.

No wonder Mom left. I just wish she’d taken me with her.

I kick the bottom of his elevated feet. He half jumps up in the chair, fist drawn back making intelligible sounds. He squints at me and huffs, slumping back down in his chair.

“What you want boy?” he slurs, already halfway back to sleep.

“For you to get your lazy ass up and go to work.” I kick his foot again. He shoves out of the chair and stands toe to toe with me.

When I was younger I’d cower from his intimidation. But I’ve bulked up, bench pressing more than he weighs sopping wet. I surpass him in height and look down my nose at his unshaven face and greasy hair.

“You don’t speak that way to me. I’ll have your fucking shit packed and sitting on the lawn when you get home, then what? You’ll be homeless.”

“You could. That would mean you’d have to actually do a little work,” I quip.

“You think you’re a hot shot now with your friends and being a star football player. Playing with a ball doesn’t pay the bills and one wrong move, you’ll be flipping burgers or working with your old man that you despise so much.”

He shoves into my shoulder and turns the tap on in the kitchen. Well, he tries. Not even a drop comes out.

“The day you fix that sink is the day your threats mean something.”

The screen door slaps closed, the screen missing from the center of the door. I hop down the steps with my gym bag over my shoulder and sling it into the back of my truck.

Regardless of what that bastard says, football is my ticket out of this shithole trailer park and a way to make a better life for myself.

“6:05 man, you’re late” My best friend Parker is leaning up against his 1968 classic red Camaro as he points his finger to his wrist.

“Bite me, Stevens, it’s five minutes.” I close the door to my beat-up truck and grab my gym bag.

“Dudes, I could have a girl on her knees blowing my footlong and cum all over her tits in five minutes,” Colin says, as he comes out from behind the side of the gym. “Both of you assholes are late.”

Colin, Parker, and I have all been best friends since junior high, but Parker and I have been best friends since kindergarten. The three of us have put our school on the map the past three years as we have single-handedly brought our school to state and won all three times. This year will be no different. No other school has ever been undefeated and went to state let alone three years in a row.

Colin walks over to the bench press and starts loading the weights. “Are you guys going to Savannah’s party this weekend after the game?” He asks as he sits on the bench and lays down placing his hands on the bar above him.

Parker walks over and spots him as he starts to lift. “Seriously, dude?”

Parker and Savannah used to date. They broke up over the summer because Savannah got sick of his shit. Every girl he has ever dated breaks up with him and it's always for the same reason.

“Just because she tossed your ass to the curb does not mean we still can’t live it up along her poolside watching all her hot friends walk around in their skimpies,” Colin grunts out as he does another rep.

“I heard she might be willing to give you another chance brother if you would just lethergo.” I casually whisper to my best friend.
