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“Someone slashed my bike tires and busted my fucking windshield. I need you to take her home. She isn’t walking with a creep out there.”

Abigail studies us from her perch, and I release Parker. I take in the amount of damage to his possessions.

Money isn’t an issue to fix them, but fuck. Those are the anchors that keep him grounded.

“Okay,” I say. I jerk my head at Abigail to come with me, and she grabs her book bag. I don’t miss the way she avoids Parker at all costs, her eyes downcast. Once we’re in the car, I try to get her to talk––to say something so I know she’s okay.

“I don’t feel like talking, Col. Just take me home. Please.”

I arrive at Abigail’s early morning, coffee and donuts in hand, as I know she and her mom love their morning coffee and pastries. Granted, I had to call the owner of Milton’s the night before to make sure someone would be there to greet me with my order at 4 AM. It cost me extra, but she is worth it.

When Parker called Ryan and me after I dropped her off and told us he and Abby had sex, it set a wave of events in motion that she has yet to discover. With the deal that Ryan, Parker, and I made to share her and allow her to decide who she wants, be it one of us or all of us, I was not going to waste my time sitting around. I needed to jump on this and let my feelings be known. Hence, the surprise day I have planned for my queen.

Abigail’s mom answers the door, still in her fuzzy pink robe, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

“Good morning. I know it’s early, but I am going to take Abigail for the day. That is, if you don’t mind us skipping just one measly Tuesday of mundane education?” She doesn’t speak; she just waves her hand for me to come inside and go back to Abigail's room. I leave the donuts and coffee on their kitchen table and make my way back to her room as her mom goes back to bed. I guess she isn’t a morning person, but I’m glad she trusts me enough after only meeting me once with Ryan to go into her daughter's room alone.

I crack her bedroom door slightly to see my girl still in her bed, lying on her stomach, the sheet covering only half of her body. She is just in a t-shirt and black panties that are peeking out from the covers, and her ass is amazing. I need to get her a not-so-baggy wardrobe because her body is that of a goddess, and she should be proud of it. I know bigger women get a lot of shit for their size, but if any man was being honest with himself and the world, it's the bigger girls we crave.

I make my way onto the bed next to her, lightly tracing her panty line with my thumb before I grab a handful of her ass and squeeze. She stirs but remains asleep. I contemplate slapping her ass, but that is no way to wake up a beautiful lady. Instead, I hop back off of her bed and make my way back to her kitchen, where I fix her a plate for breakfast in bed. A donut, banana, and coffee in hand later. Upon returning, I see her sitting up and stretching; she sees me and smiles. “Do I smell coffee?” She asks.

“Of course, breakfast in bed, too.” I handed her the plate of food and set the coffee on her nightstand.

She reaches for her phone to check the time, “It’s barely after four in the morning.? Why are you here this early, Colin? I mean, I am glad to see you and grateful for the food, but what's going on?”

“I’m kidnapping you for the day, and we are playing hooky. So, pack an overnight bag, and let's hit the road, babe. Eat first, though.”

“We can’t do that, Colin. We have to go to school. I know I’m eighteen, but my mom won’t let me skip school.”

I smile at how dedicated she is to her studies. “Your mom doesn’t care. Who do you think let me in? I do know how to use a door, you know.”

“And here I thought you were the master of breaking and entering.” She giggles.

“Now, if you would please eat and get your sexy ass in some clothes before I jump in that bed with you and ravish your body, it would be appreciated.”

"Oh, Mr. O'Brian, I like it when you boss me around." She smirks at me with a twinkle in her eye.

As Abigail is eating and packing her bag, I walk over to her bedroom window, and the most god-awful smell overtakes me. I open her window and am flooded with a toxic scent of foulness. When I peer outside, I see a dead rabbit with its throat cut and head halfway detached from its body, its fur soaked in its blood. Who the fuck would do this, and why the hell would they put it outside her window.

Someone’s fucking with my girl. There will be hell to pay when I find out who it is. I don’t say anything to her about it; just shoot Parker and Ryan a message to swing by after school and dispose of it.

I know my queen. I know that she prefers the mountains over the beach. I know that books are her love language, and if she had to choose between a five-star restaurant or a hole-in-the-wall, mom-and-pop diner, she would choose the diner. That’s why, after Parker told us what happened between them, I knew I needed to take her to the clearing and show her the man I am and who I want to be for her.

Several hours later, we arrived at our destination. The car ride here was filled with laughter, singing at the top of our lungs, and just watching her read her books out of the corner of my eye. Now, I know the books she reads are the smut ones, and when I watch her make notes in the margins, highlight passages, and tab the pages, I make a mental note to read every last annotation in every book she has so I know all her desires. I will fulfill every last one.

“Colin?” Her eyes widen as I pull over to the side of the gravel road. “Where are we?”

“A few hours outside of town. There's a spot out here that my dad used to take us when we were in middle school. Parker, Ryan, and I. I thought you might like it.”

She smiles while helping me with our bags.

“Phone,” I say.

“Do you need my phone? Are you planning on killing me and leaving me in the woods?”

“Abby, I could never hurt you, nor would I allow anyone who dares to come close to hurt you.”

“I know, Col, I’m just giving you a hard time. It’s in the center console.” She points to the car.
