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He snorts out a laugh, “More like chaos and not being able to hear yourself think. My folks can’t afford college tuition, not with all seven of us. So, I’m going to get a football scholarship and make my own way.” He smiles proudly at himself.

“That’s amazing, Colin. From what I hear, you will have no problem getting into any college you want.”

“Hey Abby, I gotta ask… do you… this is going to be a strange question but is there anyone in your life who likes to mess with you? Any enemies?” Colin sits by the fire he just finished making as I gather the supplies for smores.

“That’s random. But the only two people who come to mind are my ex-stepbrother and Savannah. I’ve always been a bit of a loner and didn’t have many friends at my old schools. I kept my nose in my books so much that I didn’t have the opportunity to make any enemies.” I place a marshmallow on a stick and hold it over the flames. “What brought that up?”

“The guys and I were just wondering. It’s nothing really, just a stupid, dumb question.” He walks over and lifts my hand, holding the stick out of the flames, blows on the now-toasted mallow, and then bites it right off the stick.

“I was about to eat that,” I laugh.

“Oh, you wanted that one?” He leans down, and we are face to face. Having him this close to me, I just want to reach out and grab onto him, never let him go.

Then, he kisses me. It’s not a heated and passionate kiss, but one that I will savor nonetheless.

“How's it taste?” He whispers along my lips.




“WhatcanIgetyou?” The bubbly waitress asks. I pay no attention to her as my little canary is a few tables over. “Sir?” She asks again as if I couldn’t hear her before. Not only can I hear her, I smell her too, as if she bathed in an entire bottle of perfume. How anyone can eat with her walking around, I don’t know.

“Just get me whatever is good here.” I scowl.

She looks at me, her face registering the tone of my voice, and her bubbly demeanor fades, “Yes, sir.” She walks away quickly.

Now that I have her in my sights, I breathe a little easier knowing she is safe, and I’ll be able to have my men trail them back to their campsite and send me the location so I can place one of my drones nearby. I don’t go camping, that's for lesser people. But for her, I will stay nearby should something require my attention or skills. I know he is going to try and fuck her. Now that the Christian Grey wannabe has had his fill of her, the rest of her little harem she has surrounded herself will follow suit. I don’t want to allow this to continue, and I know I shouldn't because the thought of lesser men touching her makes me a murderous lunatic. I know she is not ready for me and all that I will make her feel, so I may as well have these little fuckboys be my opening act. But once I have her, once she is mine, she will never crave the touch of another man. I will ruin her.



Therewasonlyonetent and one sleeping bag. Did I do that on purpose? Yes, yes I did. Abigail is mine, and tonight, under the moon and stars, I will make it known, that is if she wants me back.

She was quiet at lunch when I called her my girlfriend, but she also didn’t correct me, so I am taking that as a sign. After eating smores and our kiss, we decided to go to the river and take a walk as the sun began to set behind the tree line. It was beautiful, just like her.

“Abby? Are you okay?” I ask, turning to stand before her, reaching out for her hand to hold.

“I’m fine; I’m just stuck in my head. A lot is happening so fast and all at once. I’ve never been in a situation like this before.” She forces a smile, but I know exactly what is going on in that mind of hers. She feels guilty for sleeping with Parker, and now that I have called her my girlfriend, she feels as if she has betrayed us. But she shouldn’t think that way.

“Look, I’m sorry if I have made you uncomfortable being here with me. If you want, we can go back home––” I drop her hand, feeling defeated in my attempts to show her how much I want her and what she means to me. The other guys have known her longer than I have, but there is this connection between us, and I felt it from the moment I stepped in between her and Savannah.

“Colin, it’s not that. You are everything to me. If I tell you, can you keep it just between us?”

“Of course. You can always trust me with anything.”

She drops her head, avoiding eye contact. It breaks my heart that she feels this way. “I slept with Parker. It just happened. I still don’t even think he really likes me, and I still don’t know why, but we had sex, and I gave him my virginity, and I have feelings for him.”

I drop her hand and step back from her, turning around to face the running water. She’s made her choice. And although the guys and I made a pact, it doesn't change that I am slightly hurt that she didn’t choose me.

“Colin,” she grabs my arm to turn me back around to face her. “I like you. I like the way you make me feel like I am the only girl in the room. How you drop everything to come to me even when you know I have it under control. You believe in me, and I won’t lose you. When you called me your girlfriend, I was so happy. I wanted to be yours, but I slept with him. I can’t take it back, and honestly, I like him too and don’t regret what I did. I just feel bad that my heart is torn between all three of you. I have feelings for Ryan, and I want all of you. I can’t choose, and I know once I do, it will ruin everything with everyone, and I can’t do that to you, them, or myself.”

“You don’t have to worry about us. We will be fine. But tonight, you are mine, and I am yours. Forget about the other guys, and let's just explore what we have under the stars and moon. Abigail, you will always have us no matter what you choose to do. You will always have me.”

She pulls on my shirt and lifts on her toes to kiss me. Her sweet, full lips are hard pressed against mine, and I am basking in the moment that Abigail Burns is taking what she wants, and in this moment, I am who she wants. I pull away from her and swoop her up into my arms, and she wraps her legs around my torso.
