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Everyone has left, and as I follow Colin and Parker out of the stadium and into their car, I notice a certain Mr. French hanging behind in his tiny Mazda, waiting for Ryan.

A job is not done until the breath leaves his lungs.

I go back into the stadium and watch as Ryan teaches my little canary how to play the annoying and barbaric pastime that is football. When the lights go out, I follow them inside and tuck myself away in the coach's office with a two-way mirror connecting to the workout room. I watch as he degrades her in the most vile of ways. It was when the life drained out of her face and he was giving her CPR that I about stormed into the room to kill him myself and follow her into the darkness that I then heard her beautiful laugh, and my hand left the doorknob.

After their little game of fun and him taking one more thing that is mine, I follow them into the parking lot, where Brian is still waiting for them. I slide into my car, watching and waiting. As Ryan and Abigail reach his beat-up truck that belongs in a dump, Mr. French slowly walks up behind them as they are too busy in a lover's embrace to notice. He reaches out with his left hand, a knife glistening in the light of the moon, and I watch as he goes to plunge it into Ryan's side. However, what I see has me turning my key into my car and flooring it towards Brian. Rage overtakes me, and at this moment, I don’t care if I am found out, blood for blood.

The tip of the blade misses Ryan as Abigail turns her body, and the sharp knife disappears into her side. Brian stumbles back as Abigail falls to the ground, and Ryan drops to catch her. He applies pressure to her wound, the knife still sticking out of her. Brian French gets enough distance from them that I chase him down, and he becomes a speed bump for my car. A simple hit and run is what the headlines will read, but mark my words; his body will go missing from the morgue as he belongs to me now.

I throw on a pair of scrubs and a face covering. Thankfully, the ID I had my tech guy and hacker still works after me, posing as a home health aid. Looking at myself in the mirror, I can hardly tell it's me, so she will have no clue. I grab what I need from the storage closet I was changing in and make my way to her emergency room bed. Thankfully, the blade missed any vital organs, but she will still be on bed rest for a week due to blood loss.Fucking Ryan didn't apply enough pressure, and she needed a transfusion.

“Hello, Miss Burns, my name is Aaron, and I will be stitching you up,” I tell her, trying to disguise my voice. She meets my eyes, and I can tell she has been crying. “Are you in any pain? I have a numbing syringe, but I can get you something else.”

“No, I’m okay. Thank you. I just can’t believe what happened. I guess I’m still in shock.” Ryan, who has not left her side, places a hand on her shoulder as he stands above her behind her bed.

“This guy came out of nowhere and stabbed her, then this maniac comes flying by and hits him with his car, killing him. I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.” Ryan states. I’ve been called worse things than a maniac.

“Looks like you both have a dark guardian angel.” I chuckle. They both look at me.

“I don't think he deserved to die for stabbing me.” Abigail sobs.

It takes all my willpower not to tell her that anyone who dares to touch her does not deserve to live, but instead, I start my process of stitching her up. It’s a good thing I have medical training; she won't even notice a scar once she is healed.



It’sofficial;theguyshave been onAbigail Watchever since some idiot tried to kill me after the football game on Friday. What is with the people in this town? First Parker, and now me? Colin keeps joking that he needs to have the city council test the water.

Parker is with me in the mornings. He stops and gets Mom and me breakfast before heading off to school. Ryan comes by during lunchtime to give me my morning classwork and drops off lunch. Then Colin comes after school with my afternoon classwork and dinner.

All three of them wait on me. Watch me. Tend to me.

It makes me sick knowing I’m keeping this huge secret from each of them. I’ve slept with all of them and am stringing them along like my playthings. It’ll kill them when they find out.

Their friendship will be ruined because of me because I can’t decide what I want. But they all came on to me, didn’t they? Each of them initiated the time we’ve spent together. Colin publicly claimed me the day I started back in the cafeteria.

I have to fess up. I owe it to Ryan, my first boyfriend. And Parker––I just got him past despising my existence. I can’t go back to the way he treated me before. It’ll crush me.

Then Colin. The sweet protector who saved me from Savannah since day one. The one who makes me laugh and is tender. I can’t break his heart. I can’t bring myself to be the one to break that toothy smile.

Why are they doing this to me? What is wrong with me?

“Where did you go?” Colin asks, setting a plate of food on my lap. His backpack drops to the floor as he sits beside me.

“You all are trying to make me fat,” I say, pushing my food away.

“You could use some more meat on your bones,” Colin jokes. But I look myself over in the mirror above my dresser, and all I see is a pale ghost under a tent of more than usual baggy clothes. “Are you feeling okay?” He asks.

Pushing a fallen strand of hair behind my ear and avoiding eye contact, I tell him, “I’m fine.”

“Abigail, did you know Brian French from Dakota?” he asks. I was wondering when they would ask me. I guess Colin drew the short stick and was left with the task of doing so.

“Never met him,” I say, opening one of my textbooks.

“I know I asked you this before, but do you have anyone who wishes you harm?” He sits down on the edge of my bed, giving me some space, but he's looking at me like he wants to wrap me inside of a plastic bubble and place me in a padded room with 24-7 security.

“No one.” I say, “Why?”
