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Itrytocatchup to Parker after his epic storm out at the lunch table. I really am glad that Abigail is back. She changed a lot. Granted, we were kids when we first met, and we all grew up, but she really grew up.

When we were kids, she was a scrawny little thing always in pigtails, and her head was a bit too big for her body. But she’s a woman now, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t still attracted to her, but this time, it’s a primal attraction. Her hair is long and a shiny auburn color with bouncing waves. Her head is no longer too big for her body, and her curves are just right. Every guy in that room was staring at her not just because she was the new girl but because she captured everyone's attention without demanding it, just with her looks.

“Trying out for drama club? I think you got the lead role in the spring musical, brother, with that little stunt back there. I hear it's going to be Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I bet Tate will let you use his coat,” I joke as I finally catch up to Parker. He’s sitting on the brick wall outside the school courtyard, his back to me.

“What is she doing back here? And what was she doing at our table? Why the hell were you being so nice to her?” He demands answers. His shoulders are taut, and his spine rigid.

“I don’t know why she's back. You didn't exactly give anyone a chance to ask. Colin is thinking with his dick, but I also believe his heart was in the right place, trying to get us all together after all the stories he’s heard over the years. As for me being nice, what do you want me to be? An ass, like you’re being toward her? She didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Yes, she DID!” he snaps at me.

“You can’t keep blaming her for what happened after she left. She couldn’t have known; you didn’t even know.” I plead with my friend, trying to get him to see the truth. “We were kids.”

“She wasn’t there when I needed her to be. I needed both of you, and she wasn’t there. She disappeared from my life, and then it all came crashing down.” He turns away from me as the heat picks up in his cheeks. He’s close to his breaking point. The last time he snapped, it took Colin and me two weeks to get his head back on straight.

“Look, Parker, she’s back. Don’t you think you should at least find out what happened? Talk to her.” I plead, knowing that if he would just talk to her, maybe we could all be friends again.

“NO!” He yells back at me. “She’s dead to me.”

He turns to face me and freezes; his eyes go big, and all the blood from his face drains. I spin to see what he’s staring at, and Abigail is looking dead straight at Parker.

Oh shit. It’s about to pop off.

“Abigail, listen…” I begin to say, trying to reach over for her arm. She quickly pulls back and looks me in the eyes, her jade-green iris glistening back at me as they start to swell up with tears.

“No,” she says with so much anger but also laced with pain. She whirls around and hastily walks away. Colin’s left standing there, glaring at Parker.

“Dick move,” he says as he follows her. Parker hangs his head low and falls back against the brick wall.

Practice was short today on the count of our coach having to take his daughter to the emergency room. Poor girl has Cerebral Palsy and wasn’t using her walker and fell.

As I’m driving home, I spot Abigail out of the corner of my eye, walking down a side street. I quickly press the brake, shift into reverse, and follow to catch up. What the hell is she doing walking in this part of town?

“Abby, hey, heading home? I’ll give you a ride.”

She ignores me.

“Parker’s an ass, but Abby, please let me take you home,” I plead.

She finally stops, places a bookmark in the book she was reading while walking,not dangerous at all Abbs, and walks up to my driver's side truck door.

“Always saving damsels in distress, Ryan? I’ll let you in on a little secret,” She reaches in through the open window, and fuck me, I’m no Saint by any means, but I am trying so hard not to allow my sinful nature to take over when it comes to her perfect body that is so close to me right now I can feel her heat. “I’m no damsel, and I live for danger.” She pulls away as her hot breath still lingers on my ear, putting an invigorating chill down my spine.

“Abigail, get in the truck. If you’re seeking danger, I’m your man.” I laugh, knowing damn well there is nothing dangerous about me. At least not that I allow anyone to know. I have my pleasures and addictions, but I keep them a secret.

She glances at the long stretch of pavement, narrowing her eyes at me, and walks around the truck, climbing into the passenger seat.

I can't help but take her all in. From the waves of her hair to how she nibbles at her bottom lip when she reads. I didn’t notice it before, but she wears glasses when she reads, giving off this sexy librarian vibe.

Colin was right. She is a goddess. If she is anything like the girl I once knew, I don’t think my heart will be able to handle it.

Without even looking up from her book, she sighs, “If you are going to stare at me the whole time, I think maybe I should be in the driver's seat.”

Fuck.“Sorry, Abbs. It’s just, well, I haven’t seen you in a long ass time, and you’re all grown up now, and I’m not going to lie, time has done you good. You were beautiful before, but now…”

“Now what?” She snaps.
