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I white knuckle the steering wheel and scream my retribution down the long stretch of pavement. Hitting one hundred and fifty miles per hour before letting off the gas pedal. I stomp the brake, and the ass end of my car slides around to a stop, jerking me in the five-point harness.

I breathe heavily and loosen my grip.

What the fuck am I supposed to do with her here?

Then, I drove my car around to the starting line again.

How many times will I need to race down this track to be able to breathe?

By the time I pull into the garage, I’m sure I’ll need a new set of tires. Burnouts and doing donuts are freaking expensive, but I feel slightly better—more in control.

“There you are. Dinner is about ready to come out of the oven,” The cleaning maid my parents hired says as I drop my keys on the counter.

“Mimi, we’ve talked about this. My parents don’t pay you to take care of me. I’m old enough to do that on my own.” She stays late a couple nights a week to make sure I eat, and there are leftovers the nights she’s not here. At least someone gives a fuck about me. Even if it is someone who doesn’t even know my middle name.

“It’s no trouble. How was school?”

Mimi has two sons of her own, but they go to school in a neighboring county. My parents pay her generously, which is why I think she feels the need to make sure I’m taken care of.

“It was fine.”Lie.

“Practice, too?” The oven beeps, and she sets a steaming chicken pot pie on the stove.My favorite.My mouth waters at the sight.

“It was easy today.”

She places the oven mitts back in the cabinet and wipes the counter down again. “Well, that’s it for me. I’ll be back in a couple of days.” She hesitates at the door. “You sure you’re okay here alone?”

“Always am,” I assure her. Her lips turn down, but she nods, leaving me alone with my thoughts.



Somuchforeighthours of sleep. Mom wanted to do a girls' movie night of all the horror classics. Ever since the split, she has not wanted to be alone. She is either at work or at home up my ass the moment I walk through the door.

“Abbs! School awaits. Get your rear in gear!” She shouts from the other room. I throw my hair up in a low ponytail so it hangs over my shoulder, and I close the door behind me as I step into the hallway. Is that… cinnamon buns I smell?

I follow the scent into the kitchen, where there is a box of––just as I suspected––cinnamon buns on the counter. I look over to the table to find not only my mom, but Colin and Ryan, too. They are sitting at my kitchen table, all with takeout coffee cups in hand. Colin gets up from his chair and walks toward me, handing me a coffee before wrapping his arm around my waist.

“Good morning, beautiful. You are looking like you need this. Cindy, might I just say again how lovely your home is and thank you again for making such a ravishing human being.” He squeezes me tight as I lift my arm from between the two of us to get out of his grasp and push him away.

“Why are you in my kitchen?” I direct my question at Ryan, who has yet to take his eyes off the pictures on the walls.

Colin answers instead, “We came to apologize for yesterday with pastries and coffee.”

“Shouldn’t it be Parker over here then?” I rudely mutter under my breath.

Finally, Ryan breaks his intense stare at the wall when he turns to me, staring me dead in the eyes, “I missed you. I remember when you looked like that,” He pointed to a picture, “I won’t allow you to leave again.” He goes back to looking at the wall.

My mom shoots me a look that clearly says,“Did you just hear what I just heard? Fucking hot as hell!”I glare at her and then roll my eyes.

“If you gentlemen are taking my daughter to school, you best be on your way.” My mom casually says before standing up from the table and walking over to me. Leaning down, she whispers, “Ryan got hot!”

I snap, “Stop.” but it's no use. They heard it, and Ryan sports the biggest grin on his face.

The drive over to school was awkward at best. Colin was going on and on about the party this weekend at that bitch Savannah’s house. Meanwhile, I was squished between Ryan and him, and every time I moved due to a bump or a turn in the road, I practically ended up in someone’s lap.

Walking into the school with both boys on either side of me, you would think I was walking the red carpet with all the eyes on us, looking me up and down. It was definitely not keeping a low profile as I promised myself I would this year.
