Page 100 of The Sound Of Forever

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When I finally arrive, I push open the door to our room and freeze at the sight. I’ve never seen anything so opulent. Smaller than the room I had in Los Angeles but so much grander. The floor-to-ceiling windows light the elegant but eclectic space, brightening the red and making the gold sparkle. The bed looks like it could fit an extra two people, and there’s even a small Jacuzzi under the side window. Something that has me both nervous and excited.

In fact, this room has everything, except Jesse. There’s no presence of him at all. I assumed we’d be spending the night together, but maybe he has to stay with the team? I didn’t even ask. I really need to learn more about hockey.

When I walk into Madison Square Garden later that afternoon, Pippa’s waiting for me exactly as planned. “I only have ten minutes to get you to your seat,” she says, waving her hand in the direction we need to walk. “But I’ll introduce you around and check on you during the game.”

I nod as my stomach fills with butterflies, despite this being the least of my worries right now.I can do this.No one knows me here, and I’m not the same broken girl anymore.I can do this.

After finishing her duties and introducing me to the women sitting on either side of me, Pippa rushes off, and something doesn’t feel right. She didn’t even smile, and her voice lacked any kind of feeling.

I peer over my shoulder to check on her, and find her running back down the steps, calling my name as she goes. “I almost forgot. Your jersey.”

She throws me a jersey and it unfolds as I catch it, the name Hastings in bold letters across the back. My stomach churns as my nerves worsen, but the second I put it on, everything changes. Myenergychanges, and a proud feeling comes over me as my worries float away. I’m Jesse’s girl. He’s mine. And he wants me to wear this. Icando this. I will.

Nothing else matters while I’m here. In this stadium, supporting my man.

I can’t talk to Pippa. Tate isn’t here. I haven’t heard from Alex. I can focus on all of that later. Right now, it’s about hockey.

By the time the game ends, I’m a shattered mess. Not because I’m uncomfortable being here, but because of the game itself. Jesse’s team won, but they won during something called a shootout, andmy God,was that nerve-racking.

“I wish I could tell you you’ll get used to that,” the goalie's wife, Lauren, says from beside me. While we didn’t speak much during the game, she’s been warm and welcoming when we have.

“I don’t even know if I could go through that again. I don’t think I’ve ever held my breath for that long.”

“It feels like you're a part of it, doesn’t it?” she asks with a genuine smile.

“It does.” I grimace. “Is that weird? All I did was cheer him on, but I feel like I won with them.”

Lauren laughs. “Not at all. We all feel the same and the guys love it.”

I smile back at her until her face drops as she glances over my shoulder. “This is the first time you’re going public, right?”

“What do you mean?” I ask, puzzled.

“I mean, until today, Jesse was single. Apart from the rumors. This is the confirmation that he’s not.”

“Oh.”God, I didn’t even think of that. Is that bad?“Yes, I guess that’s correct. Did I do something wrong?”

Lauren gasps as she reaches out for my arm, giving me a comforting squeeze. “No, of course not. You just have a few not-so-happy admirers glaring at you.”

“I what?” I spin around without thinking, and sure enough, there is a group of girls staring at me with scowls on their faces, talking behind their hands, undoubtedly asking “why her?” or worse.

“Block it out. If you and Jesse are serious, that’s never going away.”

“Block it out.”That’s something I’m kind of an expert on. I plaster a smile on my face and turn back to the women, giving them a wave.

Lauren bursts out laughing. “Jesse did good. I have a feeling I’m going to be seeing you around for years to come.”

My skin heats and I feel my cheeks turning pink. “Thank you. I’m out of my comfort zone for all of this,” I comment, gesturing toward the ice. “But that?” I say, referring to the women. “That’s nothing new.”

A frown dampens Lauren’s smiley features but she recovers quickly. “That really sucks, but at least you’re prepared. Maybe you won’t break down and almost run away like I did.” She smiles and stands up, brushing her hands over her tailored pants. She’s dressed beautifully. In fact, they all are. I need to rethink my hockey wardrobe.

“I’m heading to the Wives’ room,” Lauren tells me as we both stand. “Do you want to come? You’re allowed in if I invite you,” she adds, pointing behind us.Wives’ room?God, what is this life? The thought of mingling has my body shivering, so I politely decline, opting to wait for Pippa to come and collect me.

I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to this, but I don’t hate it either.

And God, is my man like fire on the ice. I definitely want more of that.

Just like I knew she would, Pippa arrives as the crowd starts to clear, her somber mood still in place. “Come on, I’ll take you to see Jesse,” she says, turning away without a hello, making me pull her to a stop.
