Page 112 of The Sound Of Forever

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“It’s my place to know.”

“No, it’s not. I don’t believe that for a second. This is bigger. You don’t just know about my career; you know aboutme.”

I’ve questioned him many times before, most recently on our drive to Hepburn Falls, but for the first time, I don’t want to stop until I’m satisfied with an answer.

“I know your foster dad,” he says suddenly, without me having to push. “I’m only telling you this now, because I feel like you’ve changed since meeting Willow, and I don’t think this information will affect you like it would have in the past.”

Holy Fuck.“Which foster dad? I’ve had many.”

“Cain. Your current one.”

While technically I don’t have a “current” foster dad since I’m out of the system, Cain and Samantha have continued to check in, and I know they’d be there for me if I ever needed them.

“Okay, so what does that mean? He asked you to look out for me?”

“Among other things.”

“What other things?” I snap and then cringe. “Sorry, what things?”

Seth chuckles but I can hear the slight waver in his tone. He’s nervous.

“Cain told me what happened back in Mossman Hills. At least, he told me what hethinkshappened. Since you never spoke to anyone about it, it’s only a guess.”

Fuck.I feel sick. He could be referring to the abuse alone, but something tells me he’s not. Call it intuition or the caution in his tone. But for all these years I thought only Tate and I knew our big secret.How the fuck did Cain know?

“I’m not sure what you mean?” I lie.

“Good answer. I’m happy to go on like we never had this conversation, but on the flip side, I’m around if you ever need to talk.”

“Yeah. Yeah. I know.” I smile through my unease because he definitely knows, and while I probablyshouldtalk to him about it, that’s for another day. “If it puts your mind at ease, I’ve talked it through with Willow, and I’m good.”

She’s even convinced me that I should talk to a professional…soon…ish. I’ve only just spoken about it out loud for the first time; bringing it all up to a stranger is going to take a little while longer.

Seth sighs. “That really helps actually. It’s like a weight has been lifted. You're her problem now.”

“Fuck off.” I laugh, but appreciate his joking. After all, he knows me, and I don’t do well with serious talk.

“So, now that’s out of the way, hopefully you won’t mind me saying you’re out of your fucking mind if you think I’m going to let you give up the contract fight when you’ve been so desperate for it. You will get it. You will be playing for the next few years, and you will be bringing home that cup, wearing that ring. And I’ll bet I’m not the only one that feels this way. Before making any rash decisions, ask Willow what she thinks. I guarantee she won’t be happy if you give up hockey for her.”

“You’re such an asshole,” I say with absolutely no conviction.

Seth laughs. “That’s why you love me.”

That, and the fact that he’s right, especially after I just told Willow she couldn’t give up her store for me.

It’s time to make this long-distance bullshit work for us.

Chapter Forty-Two


“Areyousureyoudon’t mind coming here? I don’t want to mess with your routine,” I say, biting down on the tip of my nail as I walk to work, holding the phone up to my face. It’s only been a week but I miss him. Plus, I could use the sleep. I haven’t been sleeping with thoughts of Alex and Tate running through my head. And they haven’t even done anything more.

Jesse frowns. “Willow, how many times do I have to tell you? Thisisn’ta one-way relationship. I don’t expect you to be the only one of us making sacrifices. I’ve got a meeting this morning and then no game tomorrow, so the timing is perfect.”

“But you admit it would be a sacrifice.”

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